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Month: June 2018

Why I Am Not a Conservative

Why I Am Not a Conservative

There are those who want to build a society friendly to Christianity but not offensive to non-Christians. I used to be one of them; I thought there was a way to do this. The goal was to build a society that is “conservative,” has “family values,” honors one’s history and is “constitutional” but not explicitly Christian. It was considered that coalition building was practical; that survival — getting that safe space — trumped other considerations.

I thought, “that kind of society works — an anti-Marxist society.” But it does not work. “Conservatism” is another false religion — it is a political philosophy that rejects the explicit acknowledgement that Jesus is Lord.

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Christian Nation-States

Christian Nation-States

A Christian Nation/State

God has a plan for nations, states, governments, and countries. It’s called the Ten Commandments. It’s really simple. The Ten Commandments are not personal moral goal for individuals — they are the legal and moral code for entire nations. The Ten Commandments are the foundation for law, philosophy, morality and government for nation/states.

If that nation endorses that Law, propagates that Law, takes seriously that law, and comports itself in accordance with that Law, that nation/state shall be blessed.

If that nation forsakes that law, out of ignorance, fear, backsliding, or rebellion, that nation will be cursed.

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Christian Immigration

Christian Immigration

It is frequently said by Christian churches in America that is “Christian” to accept the foreigner into America; many Christian denominations and individuals maintain that promoting broad immigration privileges to non-Americans is the only defensible Christian position on immigration.


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The People Don’t Control Our Country

The People Don’t Control Our Country

Scary. This is from Robert Reich, a long time Clinton Democrat and former Secretary of Labor:

“In his 2013 novel A Delicate Truth, John le Carré describes the “deep state” as a moneyed élite—“non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce” who rule in secret.

America already may be close to that sort of deep state. As Princeton professor Martin Gilens and Professor Benjamin Page of Northwestern University found after analyzing 1,799 policy issues that came before Congress, “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.

Instead, Gilens and Page concluded, lawmakers respond to the policy demands of wealthy individuals and moneyed business interests.”

The Constitution begins with “We The People;” but this has been abandoned. Only way to get it back is to fight for it.

Interview with Fritz Berggren, Ph.D.

Interview with Fritz Berggren, Ph.D.

Q:  What is my passion?

My passion is Christian Nations.   I believe the whole good news is for entire nations — blood lines — to be converted to Jesus Christ.  This is a corporate expression of fealty to God.  It happens when an entire people vow allegiance and obey God’s Law, which is the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments were given to a nation — Israel — and their relationship with God — as a nation — was determined by their obedience to this Ten Commandments.   The foundation of their law was the Ten Commandments.   It was the foundation of their social order.

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