The Racism Racket — Why It Must Be Undermined
This whole concept of “racism” is a set up by the Great Accuser to accuse Jesus Christ of the greatest sin in history — “racism!”
I am trying to undermine the whole concept of “racism.”
I reject the entire presupposition underlying “don’t be racist.”
I laugh at those who try to earn a merit badge that says, “I’m not a racist.”
Anyone who tries to justify himself by saying “I’m not a racist” has already ceded the argument — this very statement presumes “I agree that racism is the moral standard.” If you say this about yourself, you’ve already enslaved yourself to a false narrative.
Free men need to liberate themselves from guilt manipulation — everything can be boiled down to “racism” by the accusers when they don’t like something. That is slavery. This is important on its own for a free people, but it isn’t even the most important thing.
Here is the bigger point: Salvation is based on blood line.