Borg Apostate: Identity of the Beast and The Whore

Borg Apostate: Identity of the Beast and The Whore

We live in a time of existential threats — of complete annihilation of all opposition. We see that being carried out between Russia and the “West,” (which are the apostates nations that emerged after the Great Falling Away, the residue of Christendom).

In Western  politics were there is no place for dissent, no place for the unorthodox, no place for those who reject the Great Global Cult  — the Anti-Christ Cult — the Borg Apostate.  

It is not coming — it has been here and the Church has not recognized it.  Clinton called us the deplorable.  Biden called us the irredeemables.  We are demonized as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic — we violate their oh-so-preciously held moralities, which are not moral at all, they are inversions of morality and truth and goodness. There is no more perfect example of hell on earth tha promoting sodomy among the young and marriage between men.

Resistance to the global Borg of the Anti-Christ has awakened in New Zealand and Australia, Canada and the United States, and in Europe as well.  The Borg — that Anti-Christ machine which demands utter compliance and the assimilation of all creatures — is threatened, now,  and will strike back with a vengeance.  The mask is off.  Nations rule by “mandate,” and “emergency decree,” and “temporary” measures which will never be temporary.  

War rages — does anyone think Borg the Apostate does NOT think of this as an opportunity?  

The irredeemables and deplorable, the racists and anti-semites, and the ignorant and the insurrectionists along, now, with  the Russians — we become the enemy of mankind.  Their anti-Christ cult thirsts for our blood.   Watch it as surely as the sunrise.  Do not be surprised as this unrolls.

But we will not let that stop us for, greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.  The Spirit of Jesus Christ inspires us, strengthens us, emboldens us, and gives us wisdom.  Our God Jesus Christ commands us forward with mouths roaring like Stephen in the face of the Anti-Christs.   

We mock the anti-Christs.
We mock the Whore of Babylon who rides on the back of the Beast, the Borg Apostate.

The Book of Daniel and the Revelation both speak of Beasts.  These beasts are not literal beasts, they are world systems, like the Babylonian Empire.  Think of the beast as Socialism, Marxism and “Liberal Capitalism,” which are all variations on the theme of an insatiable beast who lusts for world domination — any opposition is to be crushed.  

The Beast of Daniel 7:7 is a world system, described as different than the previous beasts and which itself replaced three of the beasts. Daniel sought to know who it was — it was different than the other beasts.   The world empires of Spain, France and England were all replaced by the United States, which indeed is a different beast — it has no history of Monarchy and claims to rule in the name of the “people” (yet it does not).   Though it was birthed a Christian nation, it now promotes Child Abuse around the world, meaning the LGBTQ agenda.    The United States has wholly given itself over to the dark side, not because of its Christian people — except to the extent we have remained silent as others have ridden and directed the beast. Those who ride the beast have control of the beast as a horseman does the horse.  

There are two women in the Revelation.  There is the wife and there is a false wife.  There is the Bride and there is the Whore.  A whore, a prostitute, is nothing more than a false wife.  The Bride is the true wife, the true Chosen people. 

That whore, who rides on many waters (many nations),  rides the Beast, the Borg Apostate. Let us throw off any self-delusions about who the Beast and the Whore are. 

That whore hates the Church of Jesus Christ, the True Bride the True Chosen people. That is her defining feature.   That whore carries within her the Spirit of the Anti-Christ which is the rejection of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Savior, the Son of God.

It’s is wake-up time for His Church, His Bride.   

Know who you are. Know who the false-bride is — she who rides on the Beast and who hates the Church of Jesus Christ and who claims to be the favored one of God — she is false to the core.

The Anti-Christ, the Whore, and the Beast all hate the Church of Jesus Christ and they all claim to be the right way, the chosen people, the true religion, the one-global-system of “universal human rights” and “rule of law.” All speak arrogantly and defy the Most High God, Jesus Christ.  

    We must come out from and be separate.  That Beast has been around since ancient Babel — it remains the enemy of God. That whore —  that false bride — rides Beast Apostate  and gives it direction. She rules the nations, she is rich, and she lusts after the blood of the saints, the true Chosen ones.

But we will overcome because of the Word of our testimony and not loving our lives even unto death.   Jesus Christ is Lord of all.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
26 February 2022


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