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Month: May 2022

The Destiny of Nations is to Serve Jesus Christ

The Destiny of Nations is to Serve Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is not a religious figure — he is the Anointed One of God, the Christ, the heir of all creation, The Representative of God.  He is the God-Emperor of every nation and bloodline on earth.  Daniel 7.  Also, revealing the identity of the Anti-Christ.

Total War

Total War

Christ v. Anti-Christ, seed of the serpent v. seed of the woman, light v. darkness. For too long the church has been deceived into thinking that it is our duty to accommodate evil, but it is not. The end state of Christians per the will of the Anti-Christ is 100% annihilation. We need to take our battle seriously and stop pretending there is not a total war being waged now against those faithful to Jesus Christ.



Salvation by Faith alone. Themes of descendants, ancestors, time, nations and land — the ingredients for Christian nations.

Christians Required to Resist Global Government

Christians Required to Resist Global Government

Christians are required to resist the construction of global government: Genesis 11:1-9, Daniel 7:19-27, 1 John 2:22-23, Rev 13Revelation 18

The theological foundation for resisting centralized government begins with the Tower ofPieter Bruegel the Elder - The Tower of Babel Babel in Genesis 11. Every time a decision is moved away from the local to the state, the state to the national, the national to the International is another block in the New Babel (Babylon the Great).

For evangelicals who fear the Anti-Christ, they better start resisting globalization now. To the degree Evangelicals condone the centralization of power away from the people is the degree to which they assist in building the foundation for an Anti-Christ government.

Nimrod is the archetype of the Anti-Christ global government. He built Babel. This is he who was, and is not, and is to come.

Scripture demands we resist the new Babel: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4

Righteous World Government

Righteous World Government

There is a world government that is Righteous.  It is the government of God, under the Christ the King Catholic Church - University City, MO monarch Jesus Christ.  We cannot see Him, but He rules now on earth and there is nothing the evil nations can do to overthrow him. (Psalm 2)

Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, ruler over all the empires of mankind. Fallen man has utterly rejected this King, but he rules non-the-less, as Nebuchadnezzar discovered much this his own chagrin.  Nebuchadnezzar was an earlier type of world government, as was Babel. This is Satan’s recurring project.

Current manifestations include the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the World Governance Council and every other secular representation of man in rebellion against Jesus Christ.  

Christian man resists Babel and builds autonomous, coherent, and self-sufficient Christian Nations beholden to no power other than  Jesus Christ and His Word.

Rulership of the world will be given over to those in Jesus Christ once rebellious man has exhausted his evil.  Rev 20:4, Daniel 7:21-22, Daniel 7:27.  Abraham’s future conquest of Canaan is the theological foundation for turning the rulership of the nations over to those in Jesus Christ.  In Abraham’s time, the inquity of the Amorites was not yet complete, but once it was, the Hebrews invaded and took over. (Genesis 15:16).

Those in rebellion against our Monarch Jesus Christ will have a dismal fate: Luke 19:27.