Twelve Tribes Went to Europe

Twelve Tribes Went to Europe


The Twelve Tribes did not cease to exist:
James 1:1
Matthew 15:24
John 11:52

Jesus Christ is the Rose of Sharon — pure white with blush. “Ruddy” skin is white skin that blushes.

The primary target audience of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was the Twelve Lost Tribes (see above).  Jesus said “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”  The Great Commission tells them to seek them first Jerusalem and Samaria and then to the uttermost parts of the earth (where the Twelve Tribes were scattered).

Where did they go?  They went to Europe:

  • Every Scripture written since Christ rose from the dead is written in the European language — Greek.
  • Every Epistle written to a geographic location was in Europe or a European colony, such as the Epistle to the Galatians, a colony of Gauls.\
  • Every reference to “Asia” in the Bible refers to a region of Anatolian colonized by Europeans (this does NOT refer to China)
  • Every letter to the seven churches in the book of Revelation is written to a European church — the seven churches were in cities that were Greek and Roman colonies.
  • Jesus Christ ceased speaking Aramaic upon this Assension — His Own self-description is that of “Alpha” and “Omega,” which are Greek letters. He could just have well said the “aleph” and the “tov,” which are Hebrew letters, but Hebrew was abandoned by Jesus Christ.
  • There is NO Epistle to the Church in Jerusalem,
  • There is NO Epistle to the church in African.
  • There s NO Epistle to the church in India or China.

Jesus Christ is the “Son of David.”  The physical description of Jesus Christ is that he was handsome, had ruddy (White) skin, and beautiful eyes.  King David had White skin and beatiful eyes. It is disengenous to suggest that David’s eyes were average eyes — it is reasonable to expect they were blue/green/grey.  Eighty-percent of the world has brown eyes and yes, brown eyes are beautiful, too. But David’s could not have been average since the Scripture goes out of it’s way to say they were beautiful!

Do non-Whites become Christians? Yes.  Isaiah 52:15 — “He will sprinkle many nations.”
And even though Jesus Christ rejected the Samaritan woman as a child of Israel, He never-the-less agreed to cast the devil out of her child. In the end, He will have a people from every “tongue, tribe, people, and nation.”  And we shall be one in Christ.

Never the less, the Twelve Tribes went to Europe and HAVE ALREADY CONVERTED TO JESUS CHRIST.   Modern s0-called Jews are not the children of Israel, they are the children of the devil according to Jesus Christ.  Jews are identity thieves and frauds and seek to destroy God’s children, the White and Christian race.  Jews are the hands and feet of Satan just like the Church is the body of Christ.

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