Why Do People Become Jew?

Why Do People Become Jew?

Why Do People Convert to Judaism?
Esther 8:17.
Matthew 4:8-9
Matthew 23:15

Many different people become Jews. Why? What did Satan offer to Jesus Christ?

Who were the Pharisees?

The excerpts are from the Jersualem Post, “Who Were the Pharisees?”

“In Jewish tradition, the Pharisees are forerunners of the rabbis in theology and practice. This group of scribes and teachers established the foundation of Judaism for two millennia and are heroes in Jewish history.

The reality is that the grand concept at the heart of Pharisaic Judaism—the Oral Law—enabled the Pharisees to have wide latitude in interpretation of Jewish law and Hebrew Scripture.

The concept of an Oral Law given to Moses in addition to the Written Law gave the Pharisees the ability to transcend a literalism that could be crippling in any attempt to interpret Jewish law.

The Oral Law is the foundation of rabbinic Judaism and has granted rabbis the authority to reach heights of great creativity in interpretation of Jewish law.

The Pharisees were the forerunners of the rabbis in introducing this critical concept that has been the groundwork of rabbinic Judaism for 2000 years. In opposition to the Christian concept of Law as being constricting and limiting, Rabbinic Judaism—the heir to the Pharisees–has proven many times that Law can be liberating.”

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