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Jeremiah and Judgement

Jeremiah and Judgement

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  • It is  impossible to be familiar with Jeremiah and the United States and not draw parallels.
  • We are a corrupt country  full of apostate churches (though many close every week.)
  • If the Almighty did not withhold his wrath from ancient Israel, why would he withhold utter wrath from a the United States that long ago abandoned Him.
  • And the preachers are embarrassed by His Word.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
12 January 2025 A.D.

Judgment and Civil War

Judgment and Civil War

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Starting off with the LA Fires and the types of leaders we have, I quickly move into the state of Pastors and their unwillingness to preach the full Bible (such as Genesis 1 and John 8).  Our condition as a nation is vastly beyond the need of a mere course correction — we need a course reversal and it’s not about to happen with anything I see on the horizon.

Civil War is 100% justified given the Rape Ganges (in Europe), and Epstein Island and Sean Combs (in America). There is no attempt to protect our children; the government instead protects the rapists and murderers. Such governments are illegitimate.

Countries (and people) want the blessings of God without God. That’s  not going to happen.

The judgement that is pending over this country is immense.

Judges 20
1 Thes 2:15-16
John 8:44
Acts 5:28
Rev 3:9

Fritz Berggren, PhD
11 January 2025 A.D.

Jews are Cursed

Jews are Cursed

Video on X:


Jews (Jew does NOT equal Israel) are cursed:

Jeremiah 42:18 “ . . . and you will become a curse . . . “
Jeremiah 44:8. “. . . that you might be cut off and become a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth.”
Jeremiah 44:12. “ . . . and they will become a curse an object of horror, an imprecation and a reproach.
Isaiah 65:15 “You will leave your name as a curse to My chosen ones, and the Lord God will slay you. But My servants shall be called by another name (Acts 11:26)
1 Corinthians 16:22 “Anyone who does not love the Lord [Jesus Christ], he is to be accursed. Maranatha.”

God’s people are Christians (Acts 11:26)
Jews are the cursed Children of the Devil. (John 8:44)
Jesus Christ make is clear that the Jews (the Synagogue of Satan) will bow down before the European Christians in order to make it clear whom God loves. Rev 3:9

Isaiah 62: God’s people is the Chiistian Church for we have already come to Mount Zion and Jerusalem. Hebrews 12:22.
Jesus Christ IS the Land. Jesus Christ IS the Nation.  Isaiah 66:8

Preachers and Pastors who support the Jews are at enmity with God and put for their hands to support evil.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
6 January 2024 A.D.

This guy is brilliant:

Christians, Pastors, Churches and the Antichrist

Christians, Pastors, Churches and the Antichrist

Video on X:

On Brighteon:

Over time, my target audience has gone from White men, to Evangelical churches, and more toward Pastors.  This is a natural process that does not exclude any of the above.   The sons of Christendom are whom my heart yearns for.

The most influential people in society COULD BE the White Christian Protestant Pastors if they would have the faith and courage to step up to the plate.   But to do so will be viewed as an immediate declaration of war against the Luciferian Theocracy we live under.

Recall ancient Babylon in the time of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednedo. This was a pluralistic and inclusive multi-ethnic empire.  All were allowed to pursue “their own religion.”  All they had to do was salute (bow down, actually) when some token music was played.  Of all the Hebrews in Babylon, there are three men only willing to defy the “tolerant and diverse” empire at that moment.   When they were willing to put their lives on the line for exclusive loyalty to Jesus Christ, that was when God showed up.

This podcast cast a wide net — we have submitted to the Empire that those three men defied.   If we want our God’s help, we have to be proud of what so many Pastors are currently ashamed of — the words that offend the Jews (and therefore world).

Fritz Berggren, PhD
4 January 2025 A.D.

The Price of Entry

The Price of Entry

Full Video on X:

On Brighteon:

  • Satan’s greatest fear is men who are not afraid of speacking boldly the Word of God.
    So he incites fear and terror inside the heart of man so they are afraid of speaking His Word.\
  • Joseph of Aramathea.
  • Satan’s chains look like this: “Don’t be racist, sexist, homophobic, intolerant, divisive, or antisemitics.”  And Christian (rather, Judeo-Christian) Pastors rush to submit to Satan’s rules and thus deny Jesus Christ.
  • Receiving hatred from the Devil’s Synagogue is the  price of entry to the Club of the Saints.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
29 December 2024 A.D.

New Leaders Needed

New Leaders Needed

Full Video on X:

On Brigtheon:

  • Change of Leaders
  • Cory Mahler and Hitler
  • Tiny Hats
  • Embrace War
  • St John

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Christmas, 2024 A.D.




Satan is Real, the Jews are Real

Satan is Real, the Jews are Real

Satan is Real.
His greatest power is the power to deceive.
He is a liar, deceiver and murderer, and was so from the very beginning.

Satan has children, from Cain until today.
Satan has a synagogue.
Satan has children; they are called Jews.

Jews do the work of their father the devil.
They murder and kill like their father.

The Jews are the hands and feet and mouthpiece of Satan on earth.
Jews are exactly the anti-Christ that Scripture warns us about.

Jews slandered the prophets, the Messiah and the Christians of the early Church.
Jews murdered the prophets, the Messiah, and the Christians of the early church.
Jews are experts at portraying themselves as victims while they lie and murder.

Jews are not the chosen of God.
Jews do no not have eternal life. (1 John 5:12)
Jews are destined for destruction (Luke 19:27)

Christians who support the Jews share in their evil works and are no better than Judas Iscariot.  Moses himself will accused the Jews before Jesus Christ, the Great Judge.
Jews do NOT believe in the writings of Moses.

There is no way to make a nation great again without eliminating the influence and power of the the devil’s children from that country.

Genesis 3:15
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
John 8:31-59, especially verse 44.
Revelation 3:9
Revelation 2:9
Titus 1:15-16
Matthew 12:34
Matthew 23:33
Matthew 23:15
2 John 1:7
1 John 2:22

John 5:45-46
Luke 19:27 with John 19:15
1 John 1:10-11
The entire Gospel according to Saint John.
The entire book of Acts.
The entire book of Esther

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Christmas, 2024 A.D.

We Invented A New Religion

We Invented A New Religion

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The evangelical, bible-believing, charismatic, pentecostal, Holy Ghost filled, Fundamentalist church has created a New Religion: Judeo Christianity.

Just like the Jews of old, they ignore or contradict the Scriptures in order to acheive their own ends.  The modern Judeo-Christian, like King Saul of old, considers themselves vastly more Christian than Christ.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
December 22, 2024 A.D.