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Category: bankers

You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy (or Else!)

You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy (or Else!)

You don’t have to like it or agree with it.It is the present reality —

Health Care: We don’t purchase health care, we subscribe to health care services. We are taxed (it is called “insurance”) and they provide some level of services, depending upon what they wish.

Home: You were never meant to own your home. Your purpose is to pay interest on your home for thirty years, then “trade up” in order to continue those payments.

Car: If you are fortunate to buy your car for cash, chances are you have no “right” to treat it as your own. Consider the “rules” for tinkering with the Tesla software, or the software of giant farm tractors. You don’t really own it. Just wait until they put a kill switch in every car on the road — you truly don’t own that car.

Phones: We all rent phones, essentially. Even if you buy a phone, you rent the service.

Computers and Software: Software has gone to a subscription service — I recently signed up for a software service to assist with grammatical corrections. I will never own it. Apple is moving in that direction. 

Your Job: You don’t own your job. You offer a “subscription service” to your labor and when they are done with you, they cast aside you. Even your “pension” at this point is suspect.

Bank Account: Anyone who has supported the Canadian truckers knows they really don’t own their own money. It is their money and they will give it to you if they want to.

Land: Can you do what you want with land? Between zoning codes and environmental impact statements, the answer is no.  What happens if you stop paying taxes on your real estate? They take it from you. Many farmers have turned over their land to the government simply because they can no longer afford to pay taxes on land that does not generate enough revenue.

What else is left?

They can take your life and your belongings, but not your soul.
Honor is the only thing that follows you to the grave.

Live this way.
Everything else they have already taken.


Why European Man Must Care

Why European Man Must Care

I’ve note here and here  how most people, most of the time, are perfectly content to live under a totalitarian system, being told what to do, what to say, what not to say, burdened, at best, with a system of indentured servitude.   A “modern” economy rides on the back of debt serfs.   The Masters — both government and bankers — own us.  

We play the collective Ponzi scheme trusting blindly that greater fools will buy our house at a greater price, thus rolling over our debt and giving us some shekels to play with, perhaps in retirement. 

This works as long as housing prices are eternally inflated.  As soon at they stop  inflating, the prices collapse and the house of cards falls flat.  The collapse of the housing market is prevented by low interests rates, ever lower down-payments, and an increasing supply of debt serfs (mass immigration).  The debt serfs support this system because they believe that the prices of homes will eternally go up, making them less impoverished than there were before.

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People are Content in Slavery

People are Content in Slavery

People are content in slavery. They are told what to do. They are provided for. They have an excuse for their condition and lack of ambition.

Slavery remains a condition of the world.  The current “slavery” racket has nothing to due with purchasing of a human assets (property) for which the owner is responsible for the care and feeding.   The asset was purchased, after all, and it takes care and feeding in order to gain a return on the investment.  Perhaps the only except today is the sex-slavery from the Muslims in the Middle East and Africa (Boko Haram).  

Bankers are the modern Slave Owners.  And governments are their equal partners — one does not exist without the other.  Bankers enable to the State to borrow, spend, and tax.  Governments created the right of the banks to collect interests on “assets” they don’t even own.  When a bank “loans” a debtor money, it did not have that money — the government or “Federal Reserve” (a private entity) simply tells the bankers: “you can create debt simply by a book-keeping entry.”  

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