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Category: Christian Nations

Christians, Pastors, Churches and the Antichrist

Christians, Pastors, Churches and the Antichrist

Video on X:

On Brighteon:

Over time, my target audience has gone from White men, to Evangelical churches, and more toward Pastors.  This is a natural process that does not exclude any of the above.   The sons of Christendom are whom my heart yearns for.

The most influential people in society COULD BE the White Christian Protestant Pastors if they would have the faith and courage to step up to the plate.   But to do so will be viewed as an immediate declaration of war against the Luciferian Theocracy we live under.

Recall ancient Babylon in the time of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednedo. This was a pluralistic and inclusive multi-ethnic empire.  All were allowed to pursue “their own religion.”  All they had to do was salute (bow down, actually) when some token music was played.  Of all the Hebrews in Babylon, there are three men only willing to defy the “tolerant and diverse” empire at that moment.   When they were willing to put their lives on the line for exclusive loyalty to Jesus Christ, that was when God showed up.

This podcast cast a wide net — we have submitted to the Empire that those three men defied.   If we want our God’s help, we have to be proud of what so many Pastors are currently ashamed of — the words that offend the Jews (and therefore world).

Fritz Berggren, PhD
4 January 2025 A.D.

New Leaders Needed

New Leaders Needed

Full Video on X:

On Brigtheon:

  • Change of Leaders
  • Cory Mahler and Hitler
  • Tiny Hats
  • Embrace War
  • St John

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Christmas, 2024 A.D.




Two Keys to MAGA: Biblical Literacy and the Ten Commandments

Two Keys to MAGA: Biblical Literacy and the Ten Commandments

This commandment points directly to Jesus Christ.


Two Keys to MAGA: Biblical Literacy and the Ten Commandments.
Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 are the LAW.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 are the Blessings for a NATION that obeys.
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 are the Curses for the NATION that disobeys.

There is no MAGA without embracing these truths and acting upon them.
We will never MAGA as a “multi-religious,” or secular empire.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
8 December 2024 A.D.

The Bible is the Template for all Modern Politics, Including Globalism

The Bible is the Template for all Modern Politics, Including Globalism


The Bible is the Template for all Modern Politics, Including Globalism.
Unfortunately, the Church as pursed a policy of deprecating the application of the Holy Scripture to society.
Jesus Christ created all things, including the earth and the nations in it; we are in rebellion against Jesus Christ to the extent that we pretend His Word and His Law do not apply to our modern circumstances.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
1 December 2024 Anno Domini

The Christian Rebellion: Growing

The Christian Rebellion: Growing

  • Trump’s second term — it’s good he had a four year interegnum to harden himself and his lieutenants.
  • How I became radicalized in about 2015.
  • U.S. remains in deep trouble, including the Church; faulty theology.
  • There IS an awakening going on regarding the Antichrist Jews.
  • We are going to build explicitly Christian Nations — that is non-negotiable.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Veteran’s Day, 2024 A.D.

Jeremiah: Terminal Man in a Terminal Nation

Jeremiah: Terminal Man in a Terminal Nation

Jeremiah was a terminal man for a terminal nation.
Jesus Christ judges nations in time and history based upon obedience to or rebellion from the Ten Commandments. The blessing for obedience and the curses for departing from the Ten Commandments are found in Deuteronomy 28.

The nation of Judah mocked any notion of a coming judgement, much as our nation does today.

The destiny of the Great Whore, America, Lady Licentiousness, who abandoned Jesus Christ and His Ten Commandments for the fickleness of money, greed, ease and looseness:

Read More Read More

Their Goals and Tactics — And How We Resist

Their Goals and Tactics — And How We Resist

  • Discussion of the Hegelian Dialectic: How the create crises in order to generate demand toward a totalitarian solution.
  • It is not enough to “conserve” some distant past; We Whites and Christians must actively believe in ourselves, our race, our God and our future (the Rapture mentality negates faith in our future). We must value White and Christian nations.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
September 28, 2024 A.D.

Political Revolution Requires a Theological Reformation

Political Revolution Requires a Theological Reformation

  • We live in a Luciferian Theocracy
  • The Church is theologically helpless by it’s own volition.
  • Before Political Revolution we require a Theological Reformation.
  • White and Christian nations with borders ARE Christian.
  • The First Commandment requires direct national allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
September 26, 2024 A.D.