Christian Nations, Now. In America. No Apologies. Full Speed Ahead
Title says it all.
Title says it all.
This is exactly what a Christian Nation will do — put the Ten Commandments back up on the walls of every government office and every tax funded education institute. Kudus to Louisiana!
Nations are based on a common biological ancestor. (Genesis 10)
Jesus Christ (God) hates global tyranny and the concept of “no nations, no borders.” (Genesis 11:1-9)
God could have given the Christians one heavenly language at Pentecost, but He did not.
Pentecost re-validated the division of races. Why? To see which race would serve Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ came only for the biological descendants of Jacob (which are not today’s Jews).
Where did the Twelve Tribes of Israel go? To Europe.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
3 June 2024, A.D.
Europe was once called “Christendom.” Re-naming us “the West” was a key component of the deconstruction of a Christian Civilization. I muse on the possibility of a vision for the Resurrection of Christian European nation-states.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
29 May 2024 A.D.
Bonus: What will it take to turn this around. Do what they fear most.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
May 16, 2024 A.D.
Violence is a constant value in politics – it is unavoidable.
Illegitimate regimes (such as this luciferian theocracy) wield violence to impose a satanic agenda, which includes the genocide of White and Christian nations, the normalization of sodomy, and above all, the protection of Satan’s synagogue (the Jews).
Legitimacy comes from Jesus Christ.
Loyalty to Jesus Christ is demonstrated by loyalty to the Ten Commandments (by the society as whole), the first of which points directly to Jesus Christ as the sole God of that society.
Rebellion against a global antichrist luciferian theocracy is Christian duty.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
May 13, 2024
Tolerance and diversity are not Christian virtues. We must and will build explicity White and Christians nations — there is no alternative.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
May 12, 2024 A.D.
There is only Christ or Antichrist: There is no third path in which we all get along. King Saul and Judas Iscariot both sought to get along with Christ’s enemies. Both were personally called, chosen, and annointed by God for their positions. Both betrayed Christ and both were rejected by Jesus Christ. Satan will always offer you an easier third path — just like he did to Eve — don’t take it. Be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abnego — take the most radically loyal position with Jesus Christ. Every other way is a betrayal.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
3 May 2024
It is Christian duty to rebel against the current anti-christ Luciferian theocracies that rule over our nations. And it is our duty to build explicitly Christian nation-states. Identifying the current enemy and clearly stating the goal of societies based upon the Ten Commandments, the first of which is explicit allegiance to Jesus Christ.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
3 May 2024