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Category: slavery

The Demon-God of Diversity

The Demon-God of Diversity

There was a belief, once, that like people ought rule themselves.  But we abandoned that idea to worship the god of diversity.  Supposedly newly arrived Somalians are supposedly as “American” as a  New Mexican family whose ancestry is traced back to Christian Spaniards arriving  in the 1500s.  Ditto for the descendants of the Mayflower or those whose ancestor fought on either side of the first Civil War.

Have we learned nothing from the problem of importing entirely foreign peoples into European Christian lands?  Four hundred years of Blacks and Whites in North America and there exists an industry, not the heal the rift, to make  permanent the guilt. They serve the God of Diversity who really is nothing more than a god of chaos, war, anger and enmity.

We abandoned, over the generations, the belief that our ancestors were good.  Their Christian faith is banned from the public sphere and our education institutions deride the colonists.  Their cherished values that have been inverted into modern social sins (racist, sexist, homophobic, queer phobic, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamo-phobic, intolerant, divisive and anti-Semitic).     

There is no longer a universal “us.”  The acquisition citizenship does not create a mystical bond of fraternity that healthy nations require.  We are a hodgepodge of nations  largely guided by heritage Christians of European descent who joined a cult of self debasement.  These heritage Christians, European, address their “sins” by hating their own bloodline as they worship at the altar of “Diversity. ”  

No one owes another man self-abasement.  This new demon-god called Diversity demands that European man alone renounce his ancestors, his Savior, and his land  and his identity.

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People are Content in Slavery

People are Content in Slavery

People are content in slavery. They are told what to do. They are provided for. They have an excuse for their condition and lack of ambition.

Slavery remains a condition of the world.  The current “slavery” racket has nothing to due with purchasing of a human assets (property) for which the owner is responsible for the care and feeding.   The asset was purchased, after all, and it takes care and feeding in order to gain a return on the investment.  Perhaps the only except today is the sex-slavery from the Muslims in the Middle East and Africa (Boko Haram).  

Bankers are the modern Slave Owners.  And governments are their equal partners — one does not exist without the other.  Bankers enable to the State to borrow, spend, and tax.  Governments created the right of the banks to collect interests on “assets” they don’t even own.  When a bank “loans” a debtor money, it did not have that money — the government or “Federal Reserve” (a private entity) simply tells the bankers: “you can create debt simply by a book-keeping entry.”  

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