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Category: War

Jeremiah and Judgement

Jeremiah and Judgement

Full Video:

On X:

  • It is  impossible to be familiar with Jeremiah and the United States and not draw parallels.
  • We are a corrupt country  full of apostate churches (though many close every week.)
  • If the Almighty did not withhold his wrath from ancient Israel, why would he withhold utter wrath from a the United States that long ago abandoned Him.
  • And the preachers are embarrassed by His Word.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
12 January 2025 A.D.

Judgment and Civil War

Judgment and Civil War

Full Video:

On X:

Starting off with the LA Fires and the types of leaders we have, I quickly move into the state of Pastors and their unwillingness to preach the full Bible (such as Genesis 1 and John 8).  Our condition as a nation is vastly beyond the need of a mere course correction — we need a course reversal and it’s not about to happen with anything I see on the horizon.

Civil War is 100% justified given the Rape Ganges (in Europe), and Epstein Island and Sean Combs (in America). There is no attempt to protect our children; the government instead protects the rapists and murderers. Such governments are illegitimate.

Countries (and people) want the blessings of God without God. That’s  not going to happen.

The judgement that is pending over this country is immense.

Judges 20
1 Thes 2:15-16
John 8:44
Acts 5:28
Rev 3:9

Fritz Berggren, PhD
11 January 2025 A.D.

A Time For War: Christian Soldiers in the Bible

A Time For War: Christian Soldiers in the Bible

  • Jael, a Christian wife.
  • Samson, a Christian Soldier who probably would to rejected as a deacon.
  • Abram, who had his own family militia.
  • Moses, whose first known act as an adult was race murder.
  • Ehud, who disembowled an evil King.
  • Samuel, who chopped up an foreign King in the presence of Jesus Christ.
  • And more.

These are Christians representing Jesus Christ.
We are in a time of civil war.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
9 July 2024, A.D.

Jews and their Allies

Jews and their Allies

But the Jews incited the devout women of prominence and the leading men of the city, and instigated a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district. (Acts 13:50)

But the Jews who disbelieved stirred up the minds of the Gentiles and embittered them against the brethren. (Acts 14:2)

But the people of the city were divided; and some sided with the Jews, and some with the apostles.(Acts 14:4)

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. . . .  for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds. (2 John 1:7 and 11)

Update CW2 and WW3

Update CW2 and WW3

Update on the current U.S. war against Russia and the open hostility within the US.

Data points:

  • Germany, England and the U.S. are all calling for drafts.
  • U.S. promising citizenship to illegal aliens who enlist.
  • Total illegal population in the U.S. exceeds the population of 38 U.S. states.
  • More illegals admitted to U.S. in preceding three years that were born of the legal population.
  • Words have lost their meaning: A “peace conference” is really a war conference, and the forces of “democracy” have no claim at all to be representing the average people as they (the “elites”) have imposed mass illegal invasion, war with Russia, and homosexual marriage (to name a few).
  • Rhetoric is sharpening: now everyone is a fascist and a Nazi and a racist and against “democracy.”

Fritz Berggren, PHD
20 June 2024 A.D.

War With Russia June 2024

War With Russia June 2024

  • The US provoking Russia in order to justify the destruction of Russia.
  • The US blind to it’s own hubris will provoke it’s own destruction (regardless of the outcome for Russia)
  • Americans have been trained to believe in their own powerlessness — trained into surrender.
  • The Churches as the biggest cowards and traitors of all.
  • A nation rejecting the Ten Commandments will be destroyed — this is the fate of the US.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
June 6, 2024