Three Percenters and Civil War
- Part One: Will the pronoun-confused, blue-haird tri-sexuals be pushovers in a Civil War? I think not.
- The Fact of a post-Constitutional regime ruling over America: where are those who swore the oath to protect from domestic enemies?
- The invasion of the United States, aided and abetted byby Biden and his Cabinet, and brought more invaders into this country than the population of seventeen of our states.
- Where is the resistance?
- Part Two: The AWOL forces in the current civil war. The Christians and the Pastors are AWOL.
- Revelation 3:16.
- No rapture — you are not escaping what is coming — it’s for our own good (and gold).
LTC Steven Murray with Matt Bracken and others, as referred to in this podcast.
Fritz Berggren, PhD