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Tag: Gramscii

The Only True Liberty is Christian Liberty — Here Is Why

The Only True Liberty is Christian Liberty — Here Is Why

A summary of how I think about the world from philosophy right down to the idea of Christian nations.  We thought we could have liberty without Christ, but we ended up being terrified of our own unapproved political speech (forbidden thoughts!).  Jesus Christ did not lay those man-made sins on  you — he came to set us free from that moral guilt and bondage. The only true liberty is Christian Liberty — here is why

Fritz Berggren, PhD
13 October 2020

The Cult: Your Holy Books and Prophets v. My Holy Books and Prophets

The Cult: Your Holy Books and Prophets v. My Holy Books and Prophets

More about the cult you are in. It is a religious system. It has its priests and prophets and scriptures. Compare and contrasts the holy scriptures of your system and mine. In both, faith is inescapable.

The centrality of language — Gramscii and Foucault talked about things that Saint John explained two thousand years ago.

Long Term — what is it all worth?

Fritz Berggren, PhD
22 August 2020