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Tag: Jesus Christ

What Did Jesus Look Like?

What Did Jesus Look Like?

An article in this British newspaper “explained” what Jesus looked like.  For that they rely on ‘historians’ and simply buy into the assumption that he was mortal man like anyone else.


This is a great opportunity for me to tell you what Jesus Christ looked like according to the Holy Scripture.

For starters, the Father of Jesus Christ was neither Judean, Egyptian, Semite, Jewish, Arab, Samaratan nor Roman.  The Father of Jesus Christ is God the Father — that’s at least half of his DNA.  Funny how Christians simply overlook this fact, especially as they rush to placate the Jews by claiming that “Jesus is Jewish.” This oft-repeated statement is not proclaimed to honor Jesus Christ nor the Word of God, rather the statement is made is order to avoid being accused of antisemitism; for, if Christ was a Jew, and Christians worship a Jew, then we could not possible be guilt of this made-up sin (which is no sin at all).

Christians are utter fools to placate the Jews while dishonoring the Word of God.

You will never find a Scripture in the Bible that says “Jesus, the Jew,” or “Jesus is Jewish.”  Far from it.  The Jews  never once claimed a common bloodline with Jesus Christ.  They accused him of being born of fornication and a Samaritan. The Bible describes him as Jesus of Nazarath and Jesus the Galilean — but

not once “Jesus the Jew” or Jesus from Judea or Jesus the Judean.  It’s not there!

Second, Jesus Christ is the “son of David,” who is a descdenant of Jacob (renamed Israel) by way of Judah.  The Bible says that King David was a man after God’s own heart — after the heart of Jesus Christ.

What did King David look like? He was handsome, with beautiful eyes and ruddy skin. (1 Samuel 16:12)

“Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance.”   1 Samuel 16:12

Both Joseph (not the Father of Jesus) and the Virgin Mary (the mother of Jesus) traced their ancetry to King David. It is entirely reasonable to assume that Mary  looked very much like their ancester King David, who had ruddy (white) skin and beautiful eyes. Swarthy men cannot blush — they are incapable of being “ruddy,” which is red or rosy cheeks.  Blacks don’t have rosy cheeks, neither do the swarthy dark folk described by some “historian.”

The Bible describes Jesus Christ as the Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1) and the Lilly of the Valley (Song 2:1) — very White flowers, and the Rose of Sharon has a touch of blush as well.

If one goes to the book of Revelation, Jesus has hair as White as wool (not black or brown) and eyes like a flame of fire (which could be blue or yellow or red, but likely blue but never brown or dark). Revelation 1:14

Based upon the Holy Scriptures alone,  it is implausible that Jesus Christ was a swarthy (dark skinned) man with brown hair and brown skin and brown eyes. Can brown eyes be beautiful? Why of course, but brown eyes are 80% of the worlds population — why would one note the exceptional beauty of very average eyes?  The only way you can do that is to say that “everyone has beautiful eyes,” which ads nothing to the conversation.  Likewise with his physical appearance as “handsome.” Most men are average, not “handsome.” Most eyes are brown, not “beautiful.”  The description of Jesus Christ in this article simply contradicts what the Holy Scriptures say.

Jesus Christ was White — ruddy skin, handsome appearance, and beautiful eyes.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
2 December 2024 Anno Domini

Jesus Christ: A White Man

Jesus Christ: A White Man

The description we have of King David is that he had ruddy skin and beautiful eyes.
The description we have of Jesus, the Christ, is that he is the son of David via his mother (only) and his mother ( Mary) descended from David on both sides of blood line. (The Father of Jesus Christ was in no way, shape, or form, a Jew).

Only Whites have ruddy skin — skin that blushes.
Beautiful eyes indicates non-average eyes; 80% of all eyes are brown (thus are average).

This is the only physical description of the blood line of Jesus Christ (through His mother).

Ergo, it is not a stretch to say that Jesus Christ was/is a White man with ruddy skin and blue/green/grey eyes.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
June 15, 2024 A.D.



Christ the King, ruler of all nations, king over death and hell, the Resurrected One.
Never hesitate about declaring Christ as King.

“The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.” Philippians 1:18

Abraham and the Sacrifice of Issac. Also, Marriage Advice

Abraham and the Sacrifice of Issac. Also, Marriage Advice

Abraham was required to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as a test of his fear of God. Would I do that? Would you? Hard choices, brutal choices. Abraham married his half-sister. Isaac married his own Aunt’s grand-daughter. Marry into your parent’s kinship line.

You Can Always Say No

You Can Always Say No

Jesus Christ did not have to go the way He did.
He chose to go to Jerusalem.
He chose to confront the Jews.
He chose to speak in the Temple.
He chose to give Judas permission to side with the Jews.
He allowed Himself to be arrested.
He permitted men to drive nails into His hands and feet.
He committed His Spirit into the hands of God.

Every step of the way He allowed — He could have called on twelve legions of angels.
He could have said “No” at any step along the way.
He prayed that the cup passed from Him, but in the end he said,

Not my will, but Yours be done.

We don’t have to chose the hard way —  that terrifies me.
Not my will be done Oh, Lord!

Fritz Berggren, PhD
November 2023

New Nations Arise During This Tumult . . .

New Nations Arise During This Tumult . . .

White and Christian nations.

We owe our ancestors, our descendants, and our God more that rank cowardice in the face of evil.

Who are you, fundamentally?
English speaking?

“We are all Americans” is a fat fiction used to shame people into compliance under our tyrants.

It is imperative to imagine a homogenous community with contiguous borders and genuine and deep bonds. Bonds of race, of language, of belief, of common enemies. We must know what we love and what we hate. We must be proudly intolerant, deeply so, of the enemies who have dwelt among us and taken down a once great and White and Christian nation.

We must never apologize for the White race.
We must never apologize for the Word of God (John 8:44, Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9 . . . .)

We are in the end game of the experiment called “America” which has turned into a godless polyglot of races, languages, beliefs, and lusts. We are an “empire” governed by a tyrant class.

Christian Nations.
Explicity and unapologetically.
A rejection of Babel, multi-cultural empires, and debt slavery.

This movement toward liberty and a nation under our Monarch Jesus Christ starts in the mind and comes out of the mouth.

Preachers and Pastors and Priests — where are you?
Silent in the face of the anti-christs?

The alternative is what we have now — our children are taught trannyism and homosexuality. Our rulers kidnap our children, take them to islands, and rape them.
Our “elected representatives” become fabulously rich and do nothing for us.
The rich and powerful rule over us.

It is within us to overthrown them — but we must return to our One Sovereign Jesus Christ and build not fictional political entities (“we are all Americans”) but organic nations (Genesis 10) based on blood and faith.

What is a Christian nation? It is an ethnically, historically and linguistically homogenous people, in contiguous lands, whose law and mores are based upon the Ten Commandments, the first of which points directly to Jesus Christ.

BONUS: Another World War has begun. This war will have extreme consequences for “Americans” here at home. This is a perfect storm.

The silver lining is it becomes an opportunity throw off the illegitimate taskmasters and tyrants and start something new — unadulterated by Satan’s children.

We cannot be cowards.
We cannot await another saviour.
Our Savior and King resides in our breasts.
He waits for us to roar like the lions He made us to be — Sons of God.

We cannot win the war for our survival if we keep refusing to identify the people who want to destroy the White and Christin race.

It’s the communists — the Jews.
It’s the Dems or Rinos — the Jews.
It’s the globalists — the Jews.
It’s the bankers — the Jews.
It’s the movies — the Jews.
It’s the media — the Jews.
It’s academia — the Jews.
It’s the Left — it’s the Jews.
It’s Judeo-Christians — the fraternity of Judas-Iscariot.

Christians, you must stop defending Satan’s seed, the devil’s own children.
John 8:44. Rev 2:9. Rev 3:9. 1 Thes 2:14-16. Gen 3:15. Matt 3:7 . . .

Are You An Antisemite?

Are You An Antisemite?

(This article is designed to coach the reader through an inquiry into one’s supposed “antisemitism.”  The author notes that the charge of “antisemitism” only means something if the accused thinks it is meaningful. In the words, once a person dismisses out-of-hand the moral charge of “antisemitism” the term no longer has power over the subject.  The moral imperative of “antisemitism” is illegitimate on its face, and no defense against the charge of “antisemitism” even need be raised.

Never-the-less, this charge holds an enormous amount of power in the United States where, for generations, the US Government has inculcated a national religion that elevates the Jews and demonizes anti-Jewish speech.  This national religion is replete with Cathedrals elevating the Jews to the status of saints and martyrs; these “holocaust” museums are part of our national religion now.

Undermining this national religion is a worthy goal, and deconstructing charges of “antisemitism” is crucial to this endeavor. To that end, I hope this helps the reader understand the manipulation and moral bereavement that the term “antisemite” is intended to foster.)

Q: You are antisemitic.  Why is that?
A: By “antisemitic” I take it that some Jews really don’t like what I have to say.

Q: It’s more than that, you purposely incite hatred toward the Jews.
A: Am I anti-Semitic, or Anti-Jew? The term “semite,” from which we get “antisemitic” refers to the people descended from Shem, which includes the Arabs.  And most modern Jews are not at all descendants of Shem, or even Abraham, rather they are a European people whose ancestors converted to Talmudism. And even when that are descendants of Judah, that matters not a whit. For it was exactly to those people that Jesus said, “you are of your father the devil.” So whether converts or biologicals, Jesus Christ was clear: Jews are either sons of hell, for the biologicals, or twice the sons of hell, for those whose ancestors converted to the Talmud.

There is no salvation for the Jews who do not, like Saul, repent and convert to Jesus Christ.

Q: You have called Jews the devil’s children and Satan’s synagogue. Is that not engendering hatred toward the Jews, the very definition of Anti-Semitism?
A: I have said loudly and proudly what Jesus Christ has said about Jews.

Q: But Jesus was Jewish.
A: In what sense? His Father is not a Jew. Abraham is not a Jew. Isaac is not a Jew. Jacob, renamed Israel, is not a Jew. Moses is not a Jew.

Q: All evangelicals proclaim Jesus Christ as a Jew.
A: Jesus Christ utterly rejected the “teaching of the elders,” upon which the Talmud is based. Jesus Christ utterly hated the “traditions” of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees reinterpreted the Law and the Prophets and came up, essentially, with a new religion.  Jesus Christ was never a religious Jew. Even the Jews today will tell you that Judaism emerged very distinct from the religion of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Q: Yes, but his parents were Jewish.
A: Not at all — neither Mary nor Joseph followed the teaching of the Pharisees and they (the Pharisees) are the forerunners of today’s Rabbi’s who teach Rabbinical Judaism — Talmudism. The Pharisees rejected the teachings of Moses.

Furthermore, the Father of Jesus Christ is not Joseph.  The Father of Jesus Christ is God the Father. ALL lineage in the Bible is patrilineal. Even Mary’s lineage is listed through the males in the Bible. Jesus Christ is the son of Mary, yes, absolutely. But in what sense was she a Jew? Certainly not religiously.  And His Father is not a Jew.

Q: Well then, how to you define it?
A: Jesus Christ was born of Mary, who was of the lineage of David, who was born of Judah, a son of Jacob, renamed Israel. That’s as close as it comes.  Jesus Christ was born in a town in Judea, Bethlehem. He immediately left and never returned to live in the land of the Jews, Judea.  He explicitly avoided the land of Judea because the Jews sought to murder Him.  In the Bible, Jesus is called “the Galilean” and “Jesus of Nazareth.” The Jews, the Pharisees, utterly rejected Jesus Christ as Jewish, they said he was a Samaritan, and to this day believe his mother was a whore and his father a Roman soldier.  They mock Christians who say “Jesus was Jew” because they entirely reject Him.

Q: Then why to Christians call Jesus Jewish?
A: In my opinion it is to cater to the Jews and the world, to seem reasonable and accepting to them. It is not to honor Jesus Christ, it is to honor the Jews and curry their acceptance.

Q: You say bad things about the Jews, that is antisemitic.
A: So did Jesus Christ and I’ve covered that extensively here at  I am a very proud Christian, which means I am very proud of every word of Jesus Christ, including where he calls the Jews the devil’s children in John 8:44 and where He calls them liars, and murders and false Jews and Satan’s synagogue.  I’m very proud of what He said — zero apologies for that.  Even Saul, the Jewish convert, warns the Church in Thessalonika th the Jews are “hostile to all mankind”

Q: Are you sayin that Jesus Christ is antisemitic?
A: Oh, the modern Jews hate Jesus Christ and they hate the New Testament.  There’s an excellent article in the Jerusalem Post that talks about the “antisemitic” nature of the Bible.  Essentially, the Jews agree with me about what the Bible teaches about Jews. I’m not going to apologize that — I’m going amplify that message in the Church and in the world.

Q: But hate is not a Christian virtue.
A: It is a Christin virtue when properly applied; and this hatred between Jesus Christ, and by extension those of us in Jesus Christ, and the children of the devil, was put in place by God Himself in Genesis 3:15. Nothing can change that hatred.  Christians who think they can “overcome the division” by some inter-faith demagoguery seem to believe they are improving on the Christianity of Jesus Christ — that is foolishness.  From the beginning of the Bible to the very end, there is enmity — hatred — between God’s people and the devil’s people — and Jesus Christ made it very clear who the devil’s people are.

Q: Most Christians would say that Christianity is about love and forgiveness; I don’t see that in your message.
A: I am loyal to Jesus Christ, which means I am loyal to His Word.  What He says is what I say. I am not a better Christian that Jesus Christ, and for Christians who think they are better Christians than Christ because the Jews do not hate them, I have no words of encouragement for them. “Do I not hate them, that hate thee?” Said the Psalmist:

“Do I not hate those who hate You, Lord?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
I hate them with the utmost hatred;
They have become my enemies.”

Psalm 139:21-22

The desire to be loved by the world is evil and that includes catering to the demands of those who reject Jesus Christ.

Q: That is an antisemitic statement.
A: For which I offer no apologies.