Satan is Real.
His greatest power is the power to deceive.
He is a liar, deceiver and murderer, and was so from the very beginning.
Satan has children, from Cain until today.
Satan has a synagogue.
Satan has children; they are called Jews.
Jews do the work of their father the devil.
They murder and kill like their father.
The Jews are the hands and feet and mouthpiece of Satan on earth.
Jews are exactly the anti-Christ that Scripture warns us about.
Jews slandered the prophets, the Messiah and the Christians of the early Church.
Jews murdered the prophets, the Messiah, and the Christians of the early church.
Jews are experts at portraying themselves as victims while they lie and murder.
Jews are not the chosen of God.
Jews do no not have eternal life. (1 John 5:12)
Jews are destined for destruction (Luke 19:27)
Christians who support the Jews share in their evil works and are no better than Judas Iscariot. Moses himself will accused the Jews before Jesus Christ, the Great Judge.
Jews do NOT believe in the writings of Moses.
There is no way to make a nation great again without eliminating the influence and power of the the devil’s children from that country.
Genesis 3:15
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
John 8:31-59, especially verse 44.
Revelation 3:9
Revelation 2:9
Titus 1:15-16
Matthew 12:34
Matthew 23:33
Matthew 23:15
2 John 1:7
1 John 2:22
John 5:45-46
Luke 19:27 with John 19:15
1 John 1:10-11
The entire Gospel according to Saint John.
The entire book of Acts.
The entire book of Esther
Fritz Berggren, PhD
Christmas, 2024 A.D.