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Tag: Covenant

This particular covenant/relationship is between the Creator and a bloodline (a nation). It has based upon corporate adherence to the Ten Commandments; blessing and curses ensue from this relationship.

The Role of the Ten Commandments

The Role of the Ten Commandments

How to Understand the Ten Commandments

Jesus Christ (Pre-Incarnation) gave Moses the Ten Commandments. They were for entire nation of the Hebrews.  The Ten Commandments were never just personal aspirations of morality — they remain the foundation of the covenant between God and an entire nation.

A nation is blessed or cursed based upon obedience or disobedience to the Commandments. Ancient Israel was to be the example to the rest of the word, so the rest of the world could learn from them. (Isaiah 2:1-4) If they obeyed the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20), then God would bless the nation (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).  If they disobeyed they would be cursed, as laid out in Deuteronomy 28:15-68.  The entire history of ancient Israel was based upon this covenant.The Antichrist

This covenant, the Ten Commandments,  is not about personal redemption, the salvation of the soul, or being born again. It is about God’s relationship with an entire nation.  This covenant remains valid today for the people of God (the followers of Jesus Christ).  This covenant is the legal and moral foundation of Christians nations.

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Sunday Sermon: The Ten Commandments

Sunday Sermon: The Ten Commandments

Explaining the eternal purpose of the Law as the central moral and political pillar of nations, especially Christian Nations.  All the prophets spoke in terms of the Ten Commandments and the Blessing and Curse bestowed upon a nation depending upon their corporate-social-national adherence to this Covenant.

Review of the Book of Exodus, Intro to Leviticus

Review of the Book of Exodus, Intro to Leviticus

  • The Ten Commandments  is God’s Covenant for the Nations.
  • The Ten Commandments are given to an entire race, a bloodline, a nation.
  • The Ten Commandments are not a “personal” moral code, they are a covenantal code for a race over time (over the generations).
  • Nations/bloodlines to do get “born again,” but entire races are called.
  • The tabernacle is for living stones.
  • Personal atonement is truly personal (Leviticus 1) with the sacrifice a animals without blemish by the man presenting the sacrifice.
Podcast: Building Christian Nations IS the Great Commission

Podcast: Building Christian Nations IS the Great Commission

  • Government’s justify oppression by claiming it is for “the good of” the oppressed.
  • The Church is not required to submit to tyranny.
  •  Christian Nations till the soil for the Gospel so that it yields a hundred fold.
  • The Covenant for Nations is the Ten Commandments.
  • God built a nation out of the sons of Jacob/Israel.  He told them to slaughter the Canaanites and take their land.  God is not constricted by the morality of the New Pharisees.  Did not God also wipe out all  of humanity (except for eight) in the Great Flood?
  • Pick up a sword — the Word of God — and go on the offensive — we build Christian Nations.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
2 April 2021

Video: Covenant For The Nations

Video: Covenant For The Nations

The Covenant For The Nations is the heart of my conception of Christian Nation-States.

A Christian Nation-State is not a bunch of people who “believe” in Jesus; a Christian Nation-State is a homogenous bloodline (the nation) who have chosen the Ten Commandments as the social law for their government (the state).  This is a social/philosophical compact between a bloodline (a nation) and the Creator of that bloodline.  The terms of the Covenant are the Ten Commandments.  The nation that obeys, corporately, the Ten Commandments will be blessed.  The Nation that rejects the Ten Commandments, and the Author of the Ten Commandments — Jesus Christ, will be cursed.

The Ten Commandments are fundamental in understanding all of the Hebrew scriptures and the Greek Scriptures.  The prophets pronounced judgements not out of thin air, but based upon Deuteronomy 28.

The Greek (European) scriptures reveal a new covenant which writes the Ten Commandments into the heart of a man so that he can obey God.  Never were the Ten Commandments rejected. Never where the Ten Commandments a means for individual salvation.  But when a man is “born again,” those Commandments are written on his heart.

The Cross of Jesus Christ is emblazoned on Scandinavian flags.  This is their first clue to national salvation. As it is, Sweden is on the path of national suicide.  They must realize that the Creator fashioned their bloodline — He made them a people and a nation — and they are worth fighting for and defending.

I pray they wake up and turn to the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts.

BONUS: I wrote this Bible Study  in the 1980s   (The contact information is way out of date. Leave a comment if you would like to contact me.)

Fritz Berggren, PhD
17 April 2020

No Christianity Without Christian Nations

No Christianity Without Christian Nations

It is apparent that there can be no Christianity without Christian
Nations.  The Gospel Jesus Christ is incapable of existing as a co-equal “religion” with other “religions,” including the religion that now dominates the secular West, which is very much a religion (faith, philosophy, worldview) with its own priestly and prophetic caste (the University Professors) along they their evangelists (the mass media) and teachers (public school indoctrinators). It is a religious as any other religion, yet so dominant people don’t even see it as a religion.  

In 1300, no European was aware that he was a “Roman Catholic,” he was just a man that lived in those times — so to say that he was a Christian was not a distinguishing factor in those times. All were.  Unfortunately secularism has become just as dominant in the West today.

Christianity can expand.  And Christianity can contract.  But it cannot exist steady state as a co-equal among lies such as Islam,  Judaism, or Secularism. 

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El Salvador

El Salvador

I never gave much though to the name of El Salvador, where I lived for two years, until the kids attended school there. And I learned that the full, proper and historical name for the country is:

Provincia De Nuestro Señor Jesucristo El Salvador Del Mundo”

(“Province of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Savior Of The World”)

When I talk about building Christian Nation-States, El Salvador starts with a lot going for it. They declare as a matter of national identity who their Lord is — Jesus Christ; and his role in the world — the Saviour. It is explicit and baked into their national identity. Their schools teach this — if not, they should.

A Christian nation must not skirt the issue of who is Lord. It must be the guiding principle for that nation. So when Jews (meaning those who would elevate their precepts and traditions above the Word of God) raise their demands for “diversity,” and “tolerance,” as a way to destroying the Christian foundation of that country, you can well and truly tell them to go to hell.



I was called in by the Prime Minister. He asked me what to do. His country was a failure. Mired in debt, they had borrowed money from the foreigners for decades with no hope of repayment. Bankrupt, because the poor got poorer and there was no industry or agriculture to tax. High unemployment because, like most countries, they bought into the idea of open borders and free flow of trade and commerce. Cheap foreign goods drove small business into bankruptcy. They bought the lies of the world powers: “go into debt,” they said. “Open your borders,” the urged. They accepted foreign aid which drove farms out of business: they could not compete with free grain. Ninety percent of the farms ceased production, rural families urbanized and lived disease invested hovels. Tuberculosis exploded. Everyone wanted more. No one had anything to give. Foreign aid did nothing but cement institutional poverty for generations.

“Sir,” I said, “since you can’t sink any lower, there’s no downside to doing something different.”

And I laid it out to him.

“First,” I said, “democracy is a sham.”

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Christian Nation-States

Christian Nation-States

A Christian Nation/State

God has a plan for nations, states, governments, and countries. It’s called the Ten Commandments. It’s really simple. The Ten Commandments are not personal moral goal for individuals — they are the legal and moral code for entire nations. The Ten Commandments are the foundation for law, philosophy, morality and government for nation/states.

If that nation endorses that Law, propagates that Law, takes seriously that law, and comports itself in accordance with that Law, that nation/state shall be blessed.

If that nation forsakes that law, out of ignorance, fear, backsliding, or rebellion, that nation will be cursed.

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