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Tag: whore of babylon

The False Bride (the Great Whore)

The False Bride (the Great Whore)

There is the real Bride and a False Bride (the Great Whore).  Too many “Christians” — Judeo-Christians —  have joined themselves to the wrong body.  Like Eve, they are deceived.

Jesus Christ calls  His people “out of her, lest ye share in her” sins.  This is the False Wife, the Whore of Babylon who believes she cannot be touched and falsely claims to be the Bride, the Chosen people,  when in fact she is the whore who sits on many waters (is in many nations)

The False Wife is like those call call themselves Jews, but are not, and are rather of the synagogue of Satan.

These are not unrelated entities — indeed the synagogue of Satan, the brood of vipers, the Great Whore of Babylon, the harlot, the antiChrist, those who murdered Jesus Christ and those who persecute His Church, those who call themselves Jews (but lie) are all manifestations of their true father Satan, who was a liar and deceiver from the Beginning.

Christians must heed Christ’s call to leave them and not even to give them a greeting.


1 John 2:22
Rev 3:9
Rev 2:9
Rev 18:4
Matthew 23:33
John 8:44
Revelation 19:2
2 Thes 2:11
Gen 3:14-15
1 Thes 2:15

Borg Apostate: Identity of the Beast and The Whore

Borg Apostate: Identity of the Beast and The Whore

We live in a time of existential threats — of complete annihilation of all opposition. We see that being carried out between Russia and the “West,” (which are the apostates nations that emerged after the Great Falling Away, the residue of Christendom).

In Western  politics were there is no place for dissent, no place for the unorthodox, no place for those who reject the Great Global Cult  — the Anti-Christ Cult — the Borg Apostate.  

It is not coming — it has been here and the Church has not recognized it.  Clinton called us the deplorable.  Biden called us the irredeemables.  We are demonized as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic — we violate their oh-so-preciously held moralities, which are not moral at all, they are inversions of morality and truth and goodness. There is no more perfect example of hell on earth tha promoting sodomy among the young and marriage between men.

Resistance to the global Borg of the Anti-Christ has awakened in New Zealand and Australia, Canada and the United States, and in Europe as well.  The Borg — that Anti-Christ machine which demands utter compliance and the assimilation of all creatures — is threatened, now,  and will strike back with a vengeance.  The mask is off.  Nations rule by “mandate,” and “emergency decree,” and “temporary” measures which will never be temporary.  

War rages — does anyone think Borg the Apostate does NOT think of this as an opportunity?  

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