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Tag: Christian Nation State

Review & Summary

Review & Summary

Comparing the early Twentieth Century “dictatorship of the Proletariat” to today’s religion of “our Democracy!”
It is a cult, and it is a religionm and it’s adherents, then and now, are Satan’s own synagogue.
These non-democratic movements (both of them) are forced upon the people because those in power (the devil’s children) don’t believe we have proper class consciousness;  therefore, their “dictatorship of the (either democracy or proletariat) is used to force you to adopt what (they believe) is in your best interests.

The Church will either submit (which it has so far) to Satan’s children, or it will, like John the Baptist, Jeremiah, Stephen, Jesus, and Paul utterly refute the lies of the Jews and determine to build explicitly Christian nation-states.  This is not an “election cycle” decision — it was take 30-40 years and be very difficult. Choose your side now.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
22 October 2024, A.D.

Their Goals and Tactics — And How We Resist

Their Goals and Tactics — And How We Resist

  • Discussion of the Hegelian Dialectic: How the create crises in order to generate demand toward a totalitarian solution.
  • It is not enough to “conserve” some distant past; We Whites and Christians must actively believe in ourselves, our race, our God and our future (the Rapture mentality negates faith in our future). We must value White and Christian nations.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
September 28, 2024 A.D.

Political Revolution Requires a Theological Reformation

Political Revolution Requires a Theological Reformation

  • We live in a Luciferian Theocracy
  • The Church is theologically helpless by it’s own volition.
  • Before Political Revolution we require a Theological Reformation.
  • White and Christian nations with borders ARE Christian.
  • The First Commandment requires direct national allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
September 26, 2024 A.D.

Christian Nationalism: The Antidote to Tyranny

Christian Nationalism: The Antidote to Tyranny

Europe sought a “third path,” a secular representative government.
We ended up in a Luciferian theocracy run by the devil’s children.
We were promised a world “to each his own” and brotherly peace.
We live in a world where the Ten Commandments are illegal.
Where prayer in Jesus Name is forbidden
Where the Luciferians incite our children to self-mutilation and call it freedom.
Where children are sacrificed and sold for profit and it is called liberation.
Where bankers enslave the entire populations and there is no debt relief.

Where obesity has exploded,
Wars never end,
Borders are abolished,
The rich few grow richer,
The poor grow poor,
Forced injections poison us,
And the White Man is demonized.

This is what a “secular democratic order” has given us — a Luciferian Theocracy that is called “democracy” and all who oppose it are “Hitlers” and “Nazis,” lose their jobs, incomes, homes and are entrapped by the police forces run by Jews.

Our Pastors denounce “Christian Nationalism” because they are allowed to exist in this Luciferian system. Why are they allowed to exist?
• Because objections are performative, like the Republicans opposing the Democrats — it is there for show and to keep the approval of their true masters.
• Because Pastors support a “multicultural and pluralistic” society in which Satan’s children flourish because Pastors are ashamed of exalting the Fifth Commandment.
• Most of all, churches are allowed to exist because they support the synagogue of Satan, the devil’s own children.
This Luciferian Theocracy uses Evangelical Christianity to deceived Americans into believing that they are still free. It is all a lie and the Church has been a part of this lie. God shall not come to save us.

Either we continue in this Luciferian Theocracy,
Or we build explicitly Christian Nations states with homogenous linguistic and ethnic groups with contiguous territories, whose Law is the Ten Commandments. The First Commandment points explicitly to our Monarch, King, Creator, and God Jesus Christ and we make no allowance for any other God of our land.

Nationalism is the natural antibody to global totalitarianism.
Christian Ethno-Nationalism is the dagger in the heart of this not-so-new World Order, this Babylon the Great.

There is no other way, there is no third path.
Choose Christian Nationalism or remain a slave in this Luciferian Empire.

We must fight for our King. When Pastors renounce Christian Nationalism we must renounce them; like Judas Iscariot, they have sided with the Enemy, are traitors, and damned.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
29 Augusts 2024

Overthrowing Illegitimate Governments

Overthrowing Illegitimate Governments

  • Are you going to serve Jesus Christ, or is this just a game to you?
  • The beatings shall continue until morale improves.
  • Overthrowing the Luciferian Theocracies that we live under
  • Blame the devil’s children, his synagogue.
  • The Church prefers the company of Satan’s children to Christ’s Holy Word.

Support this work:

Fritz Berggren, PhD

Rebellion Against the Antichrist Now

Rebellion Against the Antichrist Now

We suffer under a Luciferian Theocracy.

Children are sacrificed to Satan via abortion.
If you oppose abortion, you are called against women.

Children are butchered alive in “transgender” surgeries.
If you oppose transgenderism your are demonized as “transphobic.”

Sodomy is normalized in schools, courts and churches.Resist Tyranny
Opposing sodomy is evil under this Luciferian theocracy.

The Ten Commandments are banned in the schools we pay for.
If you complain, they demonize you for “imposing your religion.”

Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is not tolerated.
If you object you are called “intolerant.”

The invasion of non-Whites and non-Christians is facilitated by the government.
If you express outrage you are “racist,” and “xenophobic,” and a threat to “democracy.”

All notions of a Christian and White country are demonized.
Advocates of a White and Christian nation are the “greatest threat” to the Luciferian Theocracy that enslave us.

Antichrist forces burn down American cities and are called heroes.
Peaceful protesters at the Capitol are jailed.

Political leaders and journalists who oppose the Luciferian theocracy are jailed.
Citizens  supporting the Bill of Rights are called “threats to democracy.”

White people who honor their ancestors are condemned as racists.
Anyone expressing love of the White culture are called “Nazi’s” and “antisemites.”

We already have an alien religion jammed down out throats — Luciferianism, Satanism.
The children of the devil (John 8:44) and Satan’s synagogue (Rev 3:9, Rev 2:9) preside over our oppression.

Dissent is not allowed — our voices are a threat to their theocracy.
They call it “democracy” but we had no say in it.

Truly it is time to rebel.

It must begin in the pulpits, but they are silent.
It must begin with the Christians, too many are afraid.

Is this not worth our lives? Our very souls?
Damnation awaits cowards (Rev 21:8).

Lift up your voice. Cry aloud.
We fight  the antichrist.
May they fear us as much as they feared the Apostles.
Christ is king over our nation — we will make it so.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven!

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Independence Day, 2024


Reducing Jesus Christ to Irrelevance

Reducing Jesus Christ to Irrelevance

The church has complacently cooperated with the world (the Jews) in the reduction of Jesus Christ to irrelevance.  Calling us a “faith community” should be seen as an insult — it means we literally don’t matter any more.  The rise of Christian nationalism (rightly) terrifies the Jews and yet it is THE Great Commission!

Fritz Berggren, PhD
June 25, 2024 A.D.

Rebel, the Build Christian Nations

Rebel, the Build Christian Nations

It is Christian duty to rebel against the current anti-christ Luciferian theocracies that rule over our nations.  And it is our duty to build explicitly Christian nation-states.   Identifying the current enemy and clearly stating the goal of societies based upon the Ten Commandments, the first of which is explicit allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
3 May 2024

Luciferian Theocracy, Christian Theocracy, and our Illegitimate Government

Luciferian Theocracy, Christian Theocracy, and our Illegitimate Government

As our government has lost legitimacy we find ourselves currently oppressed by a Luciferian Theocracy led by the Synagogue of Satan. It’s time for a Christian rebellion against the devil’s forces and the establishment of explicitly Christian nation-states built upon the Ten Commandments.  Christ is King.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
2 May 2024