After fifteen years in the federal government I know how deeply bureaucrats hate White Christian males and their historical culture. They went bat-s**t crazy when George Floyd died. They cried literal tears on J6. They will destroy that culture and anyone who supports it. Whites in the Department of State are self-loathing. At best they are silent.
Professors train the people that teach your children. They teach White Children to hate themselves even in the most conservative school districts. A couple of generations ago they “only” taught Christian kids to deny their God, now they teach them to deny their race.
In four years of Jewish rule (Biden was a figurehead) they jailed the J6ers, BLM/Antifa got a pass, and pedos visiting Epstein Island or the Puff Daddy freak-offs remain protected. Anyone gone to jail for raping Bieber yet? No.
Had The Cackler become President, the invasion would have continued and dissidents would be jailed. They control the institutions. They continue to destroy and create revolutionary conditions.
Only an organic resurrection of belief in the White Race and the White God (Jesus Christ) can even remotely overcome their destruction.
The fact that most Whites and “Christians” distance themselves from such a radical view is proof that we remain at risk.
There is no “American” belief system or race — that is illusion.
Either we return to blood and faith or Trump’s interregnum will just be that.
Radical? Yes. But we are in revolutionary times. Nothing less is required.
Fritz Berggren, PhD
30 January 2025 A.D.