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Tag: Theology

Everyone — everyone — frames their world within a body of literature that they have consumed. This could be anytime from nursery rhymes to National Geographic to the NYTimes to the ancient Hebrew writings. Theo (God) logy (from Logos, the Word) takes it’s worldview form the Hebrew and Greek writings, often called the Bible.

The Christian Rebellion: Growing

The Christian Rebellion: Growing

  • Trump’s second term — it’s good he had a four year interegnum to harden himself and his lieutenants.
  • How I became radicalized in about 2015.
  • U.S. remains in deep trouble, including the Church; faulty theology.
  • There IS an awakening going on regarding the Antichrist Jews.
  • We are going to build explicitly Christian Nations — that is non-negotiable.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Veteran’s Day, 2024 A.D.

Taking the Name of the Lord in Vain (Exodus 20:7)

Taking the Name of the Lord in Vain (Exodus 20:7)

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
What is the Name of the Lord? It is Jesus Christ.
Do not take the Name of Jesus Christ in vain.
Do not falsely claim to be a Christian when you reject His Word, for Jesus Christ IS the Word of God.

The first chapter of Genesis describes, perfectly, the Creation:
The earth existed before the sun, the moon and the stars. (Gen 1:3-19).
Light and darkness, day and night, existed before the sun the moon and the stars.
The cosmology presented to you by the world is a lie — for Satan is the deceiver of the world.
The preacher must refute Satan’s lies actively.
Kinds reproduce only of their own kinds (Gen 1:24-25) — Evolution is a lie — Satan is the deceiver of the world.
Do not put your hand forth to support the world’s deceptions, rather actively refute them.

Do not claim to serve Jesus Christ when you reject His Word.

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Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)

There is no prayer for the peace of a dusty city in the New Testament. Every prayer for peace is to believers in Jesus Christ, and most explicitly to European believers in named places like Rome, Corinth and Galatia. No apostle every prayed a prayer for that forsaken city. The Church is the heavenly Jerusalem. Christ cursed that dusty city declaring ”never again” shall you bear fruit.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
20 October 2024, A.D.

Leaven of the Jews

Leaven of the Jews

  • The leaven of the Pharisees is their teaching, which substitutes the written Word of God for oral traditions.
  • There is scant fear of God in the church — our sin is theological, not carnal.
  • Jesus Christ is a harsh and difficult master — many Christians and Pastors will go to hell.
  • The “Tribulation” of Matthew 24 has already happened for so many Christians over the centuries — you wait in vain for a rapture to save you from trials.Fritz Berggren, PhD
    15 October 2024 A.D.

Bad Theology

Bad Theology

Tolerance is NOT a Christian Virtue

The fight is against Satan’s children and his synagogue.
All attempts to side with the Jews are at best  raising ones hand to support evil (2 John 11) and at worse treason on the scale of the Rev. Judas Iscariot.

Christian Pastors MUST face the devil’s children in battle like Paul, Peter, Stephen, Jeremiah, and Jesus Christ.

Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord,
    and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?
I have nothing but hatred for them;
    I count them my enemies.”

Psalm 139:21-22

Fritz Berggren, PhD
2 October 2024 A.D.

Political Revolution Requires a Theological Reformation

Political Revolution Requires a Theological Reformation

  • We live in a Luciferian Theocracy
  • The Church is theologically helpless by it’s own volition.
  • Before Political Revolution we require a Theological Reformation.
  • White and Christian nations with borders ARE Christian.
  • The First Commandment requires direct national allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
September 26, 2024 A.D.

Working Together

Working Together

I have encouraged listeners to my podcast to spread the truth — the Word of God.
This may be in the form of a blog, a podcast, youtube videos, memes or even emails.
Every bit matters.
If you are technically astute enough to read this page, or listen to a podcast, you are technically capable of spreading truth and countering lies from the devil’s children.

Many others also good work and I want to promote them also:
(Inclusion in this list does not mean they endorse — God forbid!)

Yes, it’s a short list — many others out there are worthy as well.
See for a large list of dissedent web sites.

I especially love memes — pungent, pointed, and piquant:

Overthrowing Illegitimate Governments

Overthrowing Illegitimate Governments

  • Are you going to serve Jesus Christ, or is this just a game to you?
  • The beatings shall continue until morale improves.
  • Overthrowing the Luciferian Theocracies that we live under
  • Blame the devil’s children, his synagogue.
  • The Church prefers the company of Satan’s children to Christ’s Holy Word.

Support this work:

Fritz Berggren, PhD

Counter-Weight to A Luciferian Theocracy (Free Thyself, Pastor!)

Counter-Weight to A Luciferian Theocracy (Free Thyself, Pastor!)

There is no greater potential impact upon our societies that that of the Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He may answer to the Presbytery, or to a denomination, or the board, or no one at all.

Yet, every Preacher is accountable directly to Almighty God for his message. Simply put, every Preacher, pastor, deacon, priest, and so, will answer to Jesus Christ on the day of Judgement for the message he preaches, and for the message he does not preach (regardless of what his “board” says).

Our culture is flooded with evil, and not just the moral sins we are familiar with. Telling children that they are by-products of time and chance (Evolution) is every bit as evil as teaching that sodomy is to be normal. The lie of Evolution makes way for a godless universe without right or wrong or a Judgement Day. Evolution opens to door to make sodomy acceptable — in a world where our existence is a matter of time and chance, how can there be right nor wrong?

Refuting Evolution is not difficult. Pastor and Preachers are supposed to be the most intellectually capable men around. Explaining the implications of Evolution and the presuppositions that Evolution requires is not complicated if the Preacher dares to tread down that path.

And that is where the problem lies — a lack of intellectual honesty, curiosity and courage. Preachers of the past several generations by-and-large simply stay away from challenging the “scientifically accepted” belief system imposed upon us by the Luciferian system we labor under.

In fact, few Preachers understand that we live under a Satanic system now. They have believed the lie that it is possible to live in a “neutral” society and conduct their business as Preachers in a theoretical “open market” of ideas, and, that this “open market” is and should be the standard for a society.

First, there is no “open market” where all have an equal starting point. Government schools and institutions impose Satanic values upon children and the rest of society. What are Satanic values? That God is simply an idea that people may or may not choose to believe in. That “science” is the path of the true scholar and intellect. That every person can and should choose their own path; which is the advice the Serpent offered Eve in the Garden of Eden that led to our Fall.

Or does the Preacher even believe that any more? Has the Preacher accepted the premise that we “evolved” over time and that there was no Fall?

Enough epistemology.

Preachers have the capability of refuting the lies in our Luciferian world if they simply believed and therefore spoke. (2 Cor 4:13). Belief is required. Does the Preacher believe that Jesus Christ is the creator of all things created? Is Jesus Christ literally Lord of all creation, including the souls of men, the nations of the world? Does the Preacher believe we are to bring discipline to the Nations? Or does the Preacher believe he teaches a “personal” religion of “individual” salvation, and a general code of morality?

Is Christ King, or just a religion? If you believe, you will speak.

Unless . . .

Many men will not speak because they fear rejection, poverty, hatred, ridicule, and physical pain and death. Including Preachers. Demanding that Christ is King is highly offensive to the world and to the Jews (who are Satan’s synagogue on this earth). It is easier to reduce the message until it becomes inoffensive to the world. Pastors justify this by saying to themselves “we just want people to be saved.” But why is salvation necessary at all if there was no Fall, if we are by-products of time and chance? If God “loves” everybody, why not openly become a Unitarian Universalist?

Not that Pastors preach hell-fire . . . not at all. And yet the entire premise of Salvation is that there is Damnation. No Damnation means no salvation — salvation from what?

And here the Evangelical Pastor agains becomes creative and it is salvation from a hard life. If you just have faith and believe and straighten out your morality you will have a better life — “God has a wonderful plan for your life!” And church become filled and the Pastor is “successful” and remains in good standing with the world.

The problem is not the world or Satan or his synagogue. The problem is that we, Preachers, either do not believe (and therefore speak), or we yearn to be friends with the world and fail to offer up what we truly believe: that Christ is King, the the Great Commission is to bring discipline to entire nations, that the Jews are Satan’s synagogue, that the Ten Commandments are eternal are are for all nations today, that we were directly created by Jesus Christ in the image of God and that Evolution is a lie . . . and so on.

There IS a counterweight to Hollywood, the public schools, the universities, the music industry, to the Jews — it is the Preachers in the pulpit who refuse to reduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a message that does not offend anyone. It is simply false that we can fill our churches and “save the lost” if we become inoffensive to the world — we have proven that in America — we are a debauched civilization because we are a bankrupt church led by men who either do not believe, or who lack courage.

We have yet to encounter what real opposition to the Gospel looks like because we have failed to stand up and offer a fight. We live in a Luciferian Theocracy — not some morally neutral society — we labor under the Serpents lash very much like the Hebrews of old who were content to stay in Egypt. This both unbelief and rebellion.

This isn’t meant to be a scolding. It is meant to be a banner of hope. It is meant to be a message of Freedom in Jesus Christ. It is meant to confirm to Pastors and Preachers that, yes, they can and must break the self-imposed silence we have labored under. Satan is wily and he couches his slavery as freedom, and his evil as morality. The devil’s children will accuse you of being racist, intolerant, divisive, antisemitic, homophobic, anti-science — the list of moral cudgels is long, and Satan (and his children) will beat you endlessly with those cudgels of you allow them.

Stop being their slave.
Stop submitting to their false moralities.
Rejoice when you are hated by those who hated (and murdered) Jesus Christ.
Free thyself, Preacher.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
June 21, 2024 A.D.