War Between Chirst and Antichrist, Church and Synagogue

War Between Chirst and Antichrist, Church and Synagogue

We will either be ruled by Christ or the Antichrist.
There is no third path.

Either the Church will preach the Word of God
Or the Synagogue of Satan will tutor the world.

Jesus Christ did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Why, then, to Christians try to bring peace where there can be no peace?

As the church has retreated, the synagogue of Satan has advanced.
As the truth of the Scriptures has been darkened, the lies of Satan have grown.

Just as Christians are the corporate body of Christ
Jews are the corporate body of Satan (the Synagogue of Satan).

There can be no peace.
There can be no surrender.
There can be no neutral path of getting along.

Christ is King
Luke 19:27
“But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”

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