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The End of An Age

The End of An Age

on X:

Full Video:

  • The Enlightenment Age is dead; University Professors are the Priests and Prophets of that dead religion.
  • Christian Philosophy is dead; the Churches make no difference.
  • The corruption and fall is all around us.
  • How will we move forward? I’m writing a book with my own answers.
  • Historical inflection points often come with unexpected disruptions; expect that in our near future.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
18 January 2025 A.D.


Jews are Cursed

Jews are Cursed

Video on X:


Jews (Jew does NOT equal Israel) are cursed:

Jeremiah 42:18 “ . . . and you will become a curse . . . “
Jeremiah 44:8. “. . . that you might be cut off and become a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth.”
Jeremiah 44:12. “ . . . and they will become a curse an object of horror, an imprecation and a reproach.
Isaiah 65:15 “You will leave your name as a curse to My chosen ones, and the Lord God will slay you. But My servants shall be called by another name (Acts 11:26)
1 Corinthians 16:22 “Anyone who does not love the Lord [Jesus Christ], he is to be accursed. Maranatha.”

God’s people are Christians (Acts 11:26)
Jews are the cursed Children of the Devil. (John 8:44)
Jesus Christ make is clear that the Jews (the Synagogue of Satan) will bow down before the European Christians in order to make it clear whom God loves. Rev 3:9

Isaiah 62: God’s people is the Chiistian Church for we have already come to Mount Zion and Jerusalem. Hebrews 12:22.
Jesus Christ IS the Land. Jesus Christ IS the Nation.  Isaiah 66:8

Preachers and Pastors who support the Jews are at enmity with God and put for their hands to support evil.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
6 January 2024 A.D.

This guy is brilliant:

Satan is Real, the Jews are Real

Satan is Real, the Jews are Real

Satan is Real.
His greatest power is the power to deceive.
He is a liar, deceiver and murderer, and was so from the very beginning.

Satan has children, from Cain until today.
Satan has a synagogue.
Satan has children; they are called Jews.

Jews do the work of their father the devil.
They murder and kill like their father.

The Jews are the hands and feet and mouthpiece of Satan on earth.
Jews are exactly the anti-Christ that Scripture warns us about.

Jews slandered the prophets, the Messiah and the Christians of the early Church.
Jews murdered the prophets, the Messiah, and the Christians of the early church.
Jews are experts at portraying themselves as victims while they lie and murder.

Jews are not the chosen of God.
Jews do no not have eternal life. (1 John 5:12)
Jews are destined for destruction (Luke 19:27)

Christians who support the Jews share in their evil works and are no better than Judas Iscariot.  Moses himself will accused the Jews before Jesus Christ, the Great Judge.
Jews do NOT believe in the writings of Moses.

There is no way to make a nation great again without eliminating the influence and power of the the devil’s children from that country.

Genesis 3:15
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
John 8:31-59, especially verse 44.
Revelation 3:9
Revelation 2:9
Titus 1:15-16
Matthew 12:34
Matthew 23:33
Matthew 23:15
2 John 1:7
1 John 2:22

John 5:45-46
Luke 19:27 with John 19:15
1 John 1:10-11
The entire Gospel according to Saint John.
The entire book of Acts.
The entire book of Esther

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Christmas, 2024 A.D.

To MAGA or Not to MAGA?

To MAGA or Not to MAGA?

We are not on track to MAGA. Not even close.
Is Trump better than the Biden Administration?
I thought so, but he hasn’t even started yet and . . .
— looks like he still is going to support the war against Russia (aka the Ukraine War)
— Looks like he wants more mass immigration, but “legal.” Big mistake.
— Budget deficits won’t matter if I read how the recent CR went.
— Is DOGE smoke and mirrors? To early to tell.
— The Jews remain in charge — open checkbook for Jewish interests and Israel.
— The incoming Admin seems full of Israel first people.

I could blame this all on Trump, but I don’t.
I’m going to blame it in the Christian Church who has institutionalized Jew-worship, which is the worship of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist Jews run America, even they Jews know this and they let it slip out every once in a while. As in the Book of Esther, Jews need to stay hidden while controlling the Empire, only identifying themselves when it is useful to play the victim.

Jews are liars, deceivers, mass murderers, and control the multi-cultural empire per the Holy Scriptures (from Esther to John to Acts to Titus, to the Revelation)
Jews hate the White and Christian race because we became Christendom.
The White Race is what I want to save.
The White race will be saved through our King and Savior, the Greatest Antisemite to ever live, Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, the only begotten Son of God, conceived in a Virgin woman who was a descendant of King David.
The Jews called Jesus demon possessed and Jesus called Jews the devil’s children.

Never forget, the Jews murdered Jesus Christ and persecuted the early church.
Jews work as Satan’s synagogue, and as the devil’s children continues to this day.
Judas Iscariot sided with the Jews and so has the Evangelical Church.

Careful, Christian, who you endorse, protect and believe in..
Christians who side with the Jews shall have the same end as Judas Iscariot.

Book of Esther
John 8:44
John 8:31-59
1 Thes 2:14-14
1 John 2:22
1 John 4:3
Revelation 3:9
Revelation 2:9
Matthew 21:33-46, especially verse 43.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
First Day of Winter, 2024, A.D.

WW3 and Civil War 2 — Update Thanksgiving 2024

WW3 and Civil War 2 — Update Thanksgiving 2024

WW3: This is an update on World War Three based upon this article that I wrote in 2019.
Essentially, Russia has been invaded by Western forces five times since 1812, and the current Ukrainian conflict is a continuation of the ongoing Western Project to force Russian into western submission.  The “West” may beat Russia, but we shall not win any more that Napolean or the German Armies of the Second World War.  For reference, here is that article:

Civil War 2: The Second part of the Posting is reflections on the current status of the United States.  It is very easy to destroy something good, and we are far down the road into that destruction.  The European Christian forces are absolutely required to participate in this contest of we have any hope at all of “MAGA.” We hae already passed the point of an entirely peaceful and legal resolution to our current conflict.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Thanksgiving 2024 A.D.

The Patriarchs and Prophets Worshipped Jesus Christ

The Patriarchs and Prophets Worshipped Jesus Christ

The Patriarchs and Prophets Worshipped Jesus Christ.
No one has seen the Fathers, so he did they see, talk with, tithe to, and wrestle?
It was the Lord Jesus Christ, the exact image and representation of God, the fullness of the Godhood bodily.

(John 6:46, John 1:18)

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Col 1:15-17

Fritz Berggren, PhD
27 November 2024 A.D.

How Does the Devil Spread Evil?

How Does the Devil Spread Evil?

  • How does the devil spread evil? The same way that God spreads the Gospel. Both use their children, their church to carry out their missions.
  • Treason is siding with the enemy and the church has made a virtue out of treason.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
26 November 2024 A.D.

Short Excerpts below: