Violence is a constant value in politics – it is unavoidable.
- — Police forces and militaries are sanctioned propagators of violence, but that does not render them legitimate.
- — Rebel forces are unsanctioned propagators of violence, but that does not render them illegitimate.
Illegitimate regimes (such as this luciferian theocracy) wield violence to impose a satanic agenda, which includes the genocide of White and Christian nations, the normalization of sodomy, and above all, the protection of Satan’s synagogue (the Jews).
Legitimacy comes from Jesus Christ.
Loyalty to Jesus Christ is demonstrated by loyalty to the Ten Commandments (by the society as whole), the first of which points directly to Jesus Christ as the sole God of that society.
Rebellion against a global antichrist luciferian theocracy is Christian duty.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
May 13, 2024