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Tag: genocide

Christians Accuses Christ of Sin

Christians Accuses Christ of Sin

  • Christians accuse Jesus Christ of being an antisemitic bigot.
  • Who am I to speak any better of the Jews than Jesus Christ?
  • Christ’s position on the JQ is clear: they are the devil’s children.
  • Once you understand what the Holy Scriptures say about the Jew, then what the Jews say about the White and Christian race suddenly makes sense.
  • Examples.

Fritz Berggren, PHD

Covid, Genocide, and Preparing for What’s Coming

Covid, Genocide, and Preparing for What’s Coming

    • Covid and the Jab
    • Genocide is real — from the French Revolution to PolPot, Stalin, Mao and coming soon for the “irredeemables,” “deplorables,” “facists,” “antivaxxers,” “white supremecists,” etc. What they call you signals what they intend to do with you (it has nothing to do with “what you really are.”)
    • Preparing for what is coming.

We live in a great time — it is a chance to be brave. Do not waste this opportunity.