“Flat Earth” and Biblical Cosmology

“Flat Earth” and Biblical Cosmology

Imagine you are Loki (or Lucifer, or Satan, or the Deceiver) and you want to deceive the whole world.  Why not make up a story that we are mere by-products of time and chance (Evolution) and that we live on a spinning globe circling a spinning moving sun, traveling in moving galaxy among billions of galaxies in infinite space.  Repeat that story so many times in popular media, and have a professional class of high priests (University Professors) indoctrinate children into that belief.

The devil’s greatest strength is deception (not temptation); therefore, it is prudent to compare the Cosmology we learned in high school, college, and entertainment with that in the Word of God. (Perhaps the greatest influence is in our TV shows and movies: Star Trek, Star Wars, E.T., Dune)

It is also important to note that Satan’s children accused Jesus Christ (and His followers) of being a deceiver. It is a binary choice — either Satan is the Deceiver, or Christ is the deciever.  There is no third path.

In this podcast I examine the theological facts of the Creation, with an entire day alone spent on the creation of the “Firmament,” or Rakia — that separation of the waters above from the waters below. 

Here’s a place to explore non-theologically arguments countering the spinning globe model: https://gab.com/FlatEarthHodor

Fritz Berggren, PHD
2 March 2024

PS: I also examine who made the heavens  and the earth — it was Jesus Christ.
It is, by the way, the Spirit of Christ, that resided in the prophets.

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