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Tag: Immigration

Podcast: Nations and States, Philosophy and Religion, Collapse of the Current Order

Podcast: Nations and States, Philosophy and Religion, Collapse of the Current Order

The unitary nature of philosophy, theology, language, religion, politics, morality and worldview. They are not differences — they all flow together. In the West we have simply replaced one religion (Christianity) for another (Atheism) with all the trappings of any other religion; the university professors are the priests and prophets of this religion.

Of Nations and States: A nation is the organism, a state is the mechanism. The aim of the deluder is to destroy the organism and replace it with a mechanism. Strong nations (bloodlines) are the natural anti-dote to strong mechanisms (totalitarian governments). Men will naturally organize themselves without artificial structures.

The collapse of the current order: The Marxists are winning. No one else is even on the battlefield. This isn’t about voting Republican — this has to be rebuilt from the ground up by Christian men organically raising Christian families and protecting their own land/territory from invaders. Christian men have zero obligation to welcoming Muslim “refugees” into their own territory.

The fight is hard — the grace of God comes when Christian men show up.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
22 July 2020

Video: Building Soil — Christian Nation-States

Video: Building Soil — Christian Nation-States

Advances beyond the introduction — what is a nation?  Why a nation?  Who belongs to a nation?  The purpose of a Christian Nation-State.   And a call for Christian bloodlines (nations) to control their own destiny by having their own governments.  This is a must see video (even if I say so myself).



Fritz Berggren, PhD
16 May 2020

Christian Immigration

Christian Immigration

It is frequently said by Christian churches in America that is “Christian” to accept the foreigner into America; many Christian denominations and individuals maintain that promoting broad immigration privileges to non-Americans is the only defensible Christian position on immigration.


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