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Tag: pastor

Christians, Pastors, Churches and the Antichrist

Christians, Pastors, Churches and the Antichrist

Video on X:

On Brighteon:

Over time, my target audience has gone from White men, to Evangelical churches, and more toward Pastors.  This is a natural process that does not exclude any of the above.   The sons of Christendom are whom my heart yearns for.

The most influential people in society COULD BE the White Christian Protestant Pastors if they would have the faith and courage to step up to the plate.   But to do so will be viewed as an immediate declaration of war against the Luciferian Theocracy we live under.

Recall ancient Babylon in the time of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednedo. This was a pluralistic and inclusive multi-ethnic empire.  All were allowed to pursue “their own religion.”  All they had to do was salute (bow down, actually) when some token music was played.  Of all the Hebrews in Babylon, there are three men only willing to defy the “tolerant and diverse” empire at that moment.   When they were willing to put their lives on the line for exclusive loyalty to Jesus Christ, that was when God showed up.

This podcast cast a wide net — we have submitted to the Empire that those three men defied.   If we want our God’s help, we have to be proud of what so many Pastors are currently ashamed of — the words that offend the Jews (and therefore world).

Fritz Berggren, PhD
4 January 2025 A.D.

A Message for Pastors

A Message for Pastors

There is a battle.
You are invited to join.
It will cost you.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
October 7, 2024 A.D.

(Below is an excerpt of the Long version)

Pastors As Friends of the World

Pastors As Friends of the World

14 September 2023

Why are Pastor’s seemingly immune from concerns over the direction of the country and the world?  Global warning, CBDCs, masks, lock-down, suspension of Constitutional rights, disease, WEF, UN, One World Government, Trannies/Homos invaded grade schools, open borders, censorship of the wrong things . . . where are the Pastors? Why are they silent?

Are the waiting for a “rapture” that’s not coming? (Yes).  Just focused on the next life? Why are the Pastor’s silent?

Being charitable, it is because of Bad Theology.  They really don’t understand what is going on. The idea that a “one world government” is a real theological concept (Babel) seems to escape them.  The idea of global empires as Beasts has not crossed their minds. The read the stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego and think they themselves are not called to stand up against this earthly Mordor — the Beast, New Babylon, the Borg of anti-christ empires.   The idea that Satan has his own storm trooper that are real human beings (and not just spooky spirits floating through the Ether) seems unfathomable.  They have utterly surrendered (to the Jews) the vision of a Christian nation and culture and state whose laws are based upon the Ten Commandments.

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Changing the Narrative is Real Power

Changing the Narrative is Real Power

Power lies in driving and directing the Narrative. The preacher (that’s you!) is called directly by God to drive the narrative for all the nations. Christians have self-censored; they are weapons unloaded in this great contest. Only YOU can unshackle your tongue and engage. You don’t need anyone else’s permission — God called you to preach, so go do it!