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Tag: White

Christians Accuses Christ of Sin

Christians Accuses Christ of Sin

  • Christians accuse Jesus Christ of being an antisemitic bigot.
  • Who am I to speak any better of the Jews than Jesus Christ?
  • Christ’s position on the JQ is clear: they are the devil’s children.
  • Once you understand what the Holy Scriptures say about the Jew, then what the Jews say about the White and Christian race suddenly makes sense.
  • Examples.

Fritz Berggren, PHD

The Long View

The Long View

  • What is a Biblical nation?
  • What are the standards of a Christian nation?
  • Can non-White build Christian nations?
  • The Ten Commandments and Deuteronomy 28.

Do Not Pray For Jerusalem

Do Not Pray For Jerusalem

  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
        “May those who love you be prosper.” Psalm 122:6. YET:
  • Every Epistle is written to a European church or a Christian person, but not a single prayer for peace for that dusty city in the Middle-East.
  • “If anyone does not love the Lord, let that person be cursed!” 1 Corinthians 16:22
  • ” . . . the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars”. Rev 3:9
  • It is more biblical to pray for a curse on those who call themselves Jews than it is to pray for their peace.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
March 16, 2024

How the Antichrist Does It

How the Antichrist Does It

White Nations

The Antichrist (The Left, The Communists, the Democrats, the RINOS, The Save the Whales crowd) attacked White and Christian civilization by undermining confidence in our blood and faith (White and Christian), then followed up with attacks on multiple fronts.

It started small, with inoffensive concepts — equality at the water fountain, and saving the Whales. Benign activism grew . . .

Now . . .

• Climate change.
• Tranny Story Hour.
• Homosexual Marriage.
• Anti-Racism, which equals Anti-White hatred.
• Green Agenda
• Migration Rights! (Massive Invasion of non-Whites and non-Christians into only White and Christian lands)

And if you are against any of their agenda they label you:

The Cross of Christ on the Greek Flag!

• racist,
• sexist,
• homophobic,
• transphobic,
• queerphobic,
• xenophobic,
• intolerant,
• divisive,
• and antisemitic.

These rhetorical cudgels — whips of guilt and shame — are devastatingly effective at driving us away from Christian norms.

Unfortunately, most Whites and Christians have submitted to those terms and rejected Biblical norms. Homosexuality and Tranny-ism are Biblical evils. “Open Borders” are contrary who what we learn about the Garden of Eden (the first place with an armed border guard) and ancient Israel (with defined borders) and even the heavenly Jerusalem has an unassailable anti-immigration policy (Revelation 22:27) against those who reject Christ as King and Biblical morality.

We must turn and stab them in the heart with our demands:

The Cross of Jesus Christ!

1) Jesus Christ as Monarch; His Law is the Ten Commandments.
2) We will fight to build vibrant White Nations with defended lands and borders for our progeny, and our God.
3) As foreign policy, we support other nations who explicitly honor Jesus Christ as their Monarch, and decline to support anti-Christ nations (such as Israel, China, and the Moslem Nations).

Let non-White and Non-Christian nations go their own way — we are only concerned with building our own nation states in historically White and Christian lands including Europe, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand and Southern Africa.

Haiti for Haitians!
Somalia for Somalians!
New Zealand for the White race with Zeal for Jesus Christ!
El Salvador was name after the Saviour of the World!
The Nordic flags honor Jesus Christ with His Cross emblazoned!
A Jewish land for Jews.

No apologies — return to blood and faith and lands for different ethnos.

Force them to divide their forces and concentrate on our counter-attack. Maybe they will have less money to support Trans Clinics, and less time to undermine rural communities that farm and ranch and go to church.

The Cross of Christ over White Nations

We are at war.
A defensive strategy is for losers.
Residually White and Conservative people have a hard time describing what they believe in because is violates the false moralities listed above.

We fight for White and explicitly Christian nations. It’s better for us, for our God, for our descendants, and (incidentally) for the rest of the world.

Never apologize for this.
Make them scream in rage.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
Colorado, U.S.A.

Shaping the Battle Field in this Civil War

Shaping the Battle Field in this Civil War

I enjoy Steve Bannon’s cold opens on Warroom because they acclimatize us to the hatred, vitriol, insouciance, arrogance, and animalistic rage of those who hate us. The closer we got to November 2024 the more they lose their collective minds.

“Crazy, jerks, death cult, fanatics, christian nationalists, anti-democratic, insurrectionists, justifying violence for their political goals” — it is all there. Every possible term than can demonize conservative and Christian Americans they have already used.

It was once taught in University that calling groups of people pejorative’s was a tactic of de-personing as a prelude to genocide. Seems they don’t teach that any more but surely those middle-aged demagogues have not forgotten.

We are bad, in their minds. And “bad” does not begin convey the irredeemable nature of American conservatives so their rhetorical cudgels descend from there: “bigots, enemies of democracy, enemies of the rule of law, enemies of the Constitution, unAmerican,” — the list goes on.  We are “Enemies.”  This is crystal clear.

What does this mean for you and I — we “conservatives?” It means exactly what our professors told us (some generations ago) what it means — we are being set up for a culling, a genocide, a mass incarceration, total unpersoning.

When I was a middle-schooler I recall the teacher asking us whether it would be proper to kill Adolph Hitler when he was a child if we knew what he was going to do. And the answer, he lead us to believe, was a definite “yes.” They are calling us Nazi’s and Fascists and Hitlers to shape the moral battleground in a way that will justify our extermination.

Is Civil War nigh? If not, then we have already surrendered to an illegitimate regime.
Is a government legitimate when it actively subverts the very document that’s its own legitimacy rests upon? No.

States are rallying their own troops to protect the US border from an invasion that has been wildly promoted by the current President. Hundreds of political prisoners rot in jail (the J6ers) while the Anti-Fa/BLM crowd get away with murder, arson, vandalism, riot and even secession (remember the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone?). Blacks get away with open murder when their victims are White, while Whites endure unequal treatment under the same laws.

If Christian Resistance is not nigh, then we shall go into that dark night as cowards, deserving the fate they have in store for us while our God and ancestors shall be eternally ashamed.  And, we shall have no offspring to even remember our names.

Their demonization gives cover to the people who will vandalize your home, kill you, beat you, and throw you in jail. This won’t be just Anti-Fa and BLM, but it will be some federal law enforcement as well, if not “UN” forces. Or, federal troops perhaps made up of the 20 million new arrivals — Ukraine just started doing this — they would be more that happy to “suppress insurrection” on behalf of the Biden/Harris/Obama regime.fine

If you and I are not really human (a their rhetoric  implies), we forfeit any right to the protections of citizenship. We are, in their minds, crazy jerks who are anti-democratic members of a death cult trying to overturn the Constitution. (Yes, they used those words).

None of this is trending toward a peaceful resolution. These are not the sayings of Anti-Fa, and BLM— this is what corporate America is saying — the MSM — and most university professors.

My point? Please mentally accept today’s reality — that is the only way you can even begin to protect yourself. The kinetic war began in 2020 as Anti-Fa/BLMs burned our cities and the administrative state refused to take orders from a duly elected President. They are not the “democrats” they claim to be. They are prepping the battlefield for what is to come by utterly demonizing, essentially, Whites and Christians.

We must recognize that it’s too late for reconciliation. Getting along, to them, means the complete surrender of Christians and Whites to their relentless demonization, violence, law fare and excommunication from civil society. To them, getting along requires Conservatives to grovel and supplicate before them, to give them everything they want including our children and grandchildren. We must agree with them at every point. Kill yourself, even (as many of them have suggesting that Whites must do).

Then you will get along with them. Is peace worth that price? Don’t delude yourself — nothing less will satisfy the Beast.

Many have surrendered to their own shame; even if life is better for you, what does that do to your children and grandchildren?

We owe God and our grandchildren our own lives in resistance to the evils of sodomy, transsexualism, rape (physical and psychological), demonetization, and genetic annihilation. Debt slavery and death (the Jab) are now — we suffer under it as cowards and fools.

If you consider yourself a man, resistance is your minimum duty. (Many women are braver that some of the “Christian” men I have seen).

Preachers, where are you? Avoiding controversy? Preaching the same old sermons while the children of your parishioners grown blue hair? Can not you see that we Christians have failed to speak up against the evil because we have prostrated ourselves before our enemies in hopes of an earthly peace?

Jesus Christ was not cowed by their name calling. He warned us that this was coming. If you prefer to get along with them instead of fighting then you are no brother of mine and, heaven forbid, you may find yourself and enemy of God (James 4:4).

We are at war — it’s time to shed our cowardice and stand to. And it all starts with what comes out of our mouth. As the sodomites used to say: “Silence equals death.”

Fritz Berggren, PHDworse biden
22 February 2024.

Democracy? Do What Satan Hates

Democracy? Do What Satan Hates

President Biden takes Saul Alinsky’s (the Jew) “Rules For Radicals” and applies them to his speeches: accuse Trump supporters of doing what he himself is doing — undermining Democracy.

If democracy has any meaning at all, it has to mean that “we the people” determine our laws, our policies, and our rules of life. Nothing could be further from the truth in America today. Below are a few policies Americans have had no say in:

1) Removing the Ten Commandments from our public schools.
2) Outlawing prayer “in the Name of Jesus Christ.”
3) Homosexual marriage.
4) Open border — mass invasion
5) “DEI” policies, which are essentially anti-White.
6) War in the Ukraine
7) Agenda 2030
8) Mandatory COVID vaccines
9) Usury — which is illegal in the Bible.

The idea that “we the people” have any meaningful say in our own government is ludicrous and the Church has surrendered to this reality.

Read More Read More

Notable Truths for European Man

Notable Truths for European Man

The color of one’s skin matters.  If it did not, the Bible would not note skin color.  King David was a white man.  He has “ruddy” skin and beautiful — uncommon — eyes.  King David was the Virgin’s ancestor and Mary was the mother of Jesus. The Father of Jesus Christ was in no-wise whatsoever a Jew.  Christ and His bride as described as White. Song of Solomon 2:1-2.  The Rose of Sharon is white with blush. The lilly of the valley is pure white. God’s chosen ones were white and ruddy Lamentations 4:7

Rose of Sharon

“Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire”

It is error and lies that equate the modern Jew to the biological descendants of Jacob, renamed Israel.

Esther 8:17 shows that, from long ago, many ethnicities have converted to Talmudic Judaism.

Jesus Christ recognized that these “Jews” travelled around the world to convert people to their traditions and made them twice the sons of hell as those Jews/Pharisees already

Lilly of the Valley
Lilly of the Valley

where. (Matthew 23:15)

The Jews of the Gospels were not the descendants of Israel; they openly acknowledged this  by declaring that “we have never been slaves of anyone.”  (John 8:33) Since all of Israel’s biological children were slaves for four hundred years in Egypt, the Jews at the time of Christ were not of Israel — Esau, too, was a descendant of Abraham but was hated by God.  King Herod was an Edomite Jew who was a liar and murderer like his father, the devil. (Matthew 2:16, John 8:44)

The Jews coming to Jerusalem when Pentecost occurred where from many races and ethnicities, they hear the Apostles speaking in their own “native” tongues. (Acts 2:5-11)

Modern Jews have long acknowledged that their ancestors were converts to Talmudic JudaismMany over the centuries have converted to Judaism.

Jesus Christ was not in error when he declared that the Jews were “liars, and of the synagogue of Satan.”  These scriptures are as applicable today as the moment when Christ uttered these words to John in a message to European churches, whom he loves. (Revelation 3:9)

Every Scripture written since Christ’s Resurrection where written in a European language — Greek.

Jesus Christ did not come to save everyone, he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  This is why Paul is sent to Europe. The Twelve Tribes dispersed abroad into Europe.   Are other saved? Yes, even the dogs feed on scraps from the Master’s table.

Jesus Christ stopped speaking Aramaic and stopped speaking Hebrew.  The words he uttered in the Revelation are explicitly Greek (I am the Alpha and the Omega.”). He could have said “I and the Aleph and the Tov,” but He did not; He explicitly abandoned Hebrew as the the language of the Scriptures.

At the Day of Pentecost, God Almighty revalidated the work He did by destroying Babel — he poured out a multitude of tongues on the disciples.  He could have all made them speak one heavenly language, or Hebrew, or something else.  No — he validates the division of the races by pouring out the gift of many and diverse tongues.

Racial loyalty is a Christian virtue, for Paul said he was willing to give up his eternal soul for his own race.

If a “Jew” convertst to Jesus Christ, expect him to say exactly what Paul, the converted Jew, said about the Jews in 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

“the Jews, who did both put to death the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and did persecute us, and God they are not pleasing, and to all men [are] contrary, forbidding us to speak to the nations that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always, but the anger did come upon them — to the end!”

A good Jew is a former Jew who, like Saul, converts to Jesus Christ, changes his name, and then declares publicly:

  • That the Jews murdered the prophets.
  • That the Jews murdered Jesus Christ.
  • That the Jews are not pleasing to God.
  • That the Jews are contrary to all of mankind because they (the Jews) prevent men from hearing the Gospel so they can be saved.
  • And that God’s wrath abides upon the Jews.

If a Jew says this about the Jews, then I will believe they have repented, not until then.

Christian siding with the Jews are no more righteous that Judas Iscariot.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
Christmas 2023