Isaiah 65 Speaks of Jews and Christians
Take a moment and click on the links below — they take you to Scripture that corresponds with what the Spirit of Christ inspired the Prophet Isaiah to write in Isaiah 65:11-15.
- It is the Jews that set up a table for Fortune (their feast of Purim).
- It is the Jews that explicitly rejected the Messiah of God when He called.
- It is the Jews that Jesus called liars, and said the Jews would bow at the feet of the Christians. (Rev 3:9).
- The people of called are called by a new name: Christian (Acts 11:26)
ISAIAH 65:11-15. (Click on the links below for the correponding Scriptures in other books of the Bible)
11 “But as for you who forsake the Lord
13 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“My servants will eat,but you will go hungry;my servants will drink,but you will go thirsty;my servants will rejoice,but you will be put to shame.14 My servants will singout of the joy of their hearts,but you will cry outfrom anguish of heartand wail in brokenness of spirit.
15 You will leave your name
for my chosen ones to use in their curses;
the Sovereign Lord will put you to death,
but to his servants he will give another name.
Fritz Berggren, PHD
May 8, 2024