Jews As Victims

Jews As Victims

  • Part of the Jewish identity is to be a “victim” and claim special rights. They know exactly what they are doing — they rule the nations and are victims all at once.
  • The Book of Acts and the Book of Esther.
  • Little Mikey Johnson as a complete traitor to Jesus Christ; he is the perfect representative of Evangelical Christianity, bowing down and groveling before the Antichrist (Jews).

Fritz Berggren, PHD
10 May 2024

3 thoughts on “Jews As Victims

  1. The Bible does not mention Jews at all, except by translation error. When you see the word Jew it shold read ‘Judean’. The Jews are descnedants of Esau and Canaan. They are the stain of Cain.

    1. Thank you for commenting — I appreciate it. From my perspective, any person to self-identifies as “Jew” simply puts themselves in the container of “Jew” that I read in the Bible, specifically John 8:44, Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9, 1 Thes 2:14-16. The Scripture exists before a self-named “Jew.” They don’t have to call them selves “Jew;” they could call themselves Canaanites, Edomites, and Khazarians — it would be more accurate. Our Lord refers to those who “call themselves Jews, but are not, but are liars and are of the synagogue of Satan.” I think that’s a pretty comprehensive statement. Thanks you for commenting and the very best to you!

      1. I agree that the reference to those who call themselves ‘Jews’ but are not does ‘work out’ in these times. However, I see it being misinterpreted all the time and it gives credit to these scam artists for being something they are not, the continuity of Jacob/Israel.

        I have written extensivley about the very word ‘Jew’ being a corruption of what should be clearly Judean, thus the ‘modern’ English bibles are full of dodgy stuff and accordingly so many so-called ‘Christians’ are lost at the feet of wolves in sheep’s clothing most of whom are probably Masons and I bet some even ‘Jews’! What a mess.

        Best regards,

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