State of the World

State of the World

Imagine a foreign power that completely controls the U.S. Congress and all of our major executive branch agencies. Imagine they control 90% of the Press and have the power to censor the other 10%. Imagine they control the banking system of all but a few countries of the world.

They rule proxy — corporations and cutouts, weak mean compromised by bribery or blackmail like George Bush or Joe Biden.

They rule directly on our Supreme Court, in Congress, in the houses of Governors, opening our border to invaders (Mayorkas, DHS), openly mocking Christian values with the transgenders Cabinet officials (Levine, head of HHS).

Imagine they run blackmail operations in open view, like Epstein Island. How many Epstein’s Islands continue to exist under the knowledge and protection of our own government?

Imagine that the U.S. government funds that foreign power with billions of dollars every year, some of which comes back to bribe our Congress and Senate. They are not required at all to register as a foreign influence operation because they have that much control (AIPAC).

Could the antichrist claim any more power than this? It is perfect control because there is just enough imperfection in it to preserve the illusion that the U.S. is not perfectly controlled, that we remain “free,” while remaining subjugated.

No one voted for open borders, or the normalization of sodomy,or making the Ten Commandments illegal in our public buildings — this is the power of the antichrist.

Imagine also that the people who claim to be against the Anti-christ, the Christians, are the greatest supporters of the antichrist.

Imagine at world in which the greatest resisters of the Antichrist are not Christians at all, but are White pagans and atheists and a handful of Moslems. Imagine that the Antichrist uses the power of the U.S. to wage war against anyone that opposes the antichrist agenda — we have become the “greatest threat to democracy.”

Such is the power of the antichrists, pretenders to righteousness. Jesus Christ identified them in John 8:44. And He warned the world that they were liars and deceivers like their father. He called them Satan’s synagogue.

The Christian church has gone the way of Judas Iscariot in order to stand in solidarity with the Antichrist. And they have perfect control.

That is the state of affairs in the world today.


Who is the liar and the antichrist? “It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.” 1 John 2:22

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