We Are Breaking Their Chains!

We Are Breaking Their Chains!

We are breaking the chains.

The foundation of their control is rhetorical; they have created words generating hatred toward Whites and White guilt. (who seem susceptible to guilt manipulation. )

The levers of control are these terms: “racist, sexist, misogynist, intolerant, hateful, divisive, fascist, antisemitic, fascist, hitler.”

From grade school on, children are brain warped into subservience to these terms . We are told that we must believe these terms are legitimate.

These terms are NOT legitimate. They are terms of guilt manipulation used for control.

People are waking up — that is why Trump one. Whites, blacks, women.

They are smelling the fragrance of liberty and they have dared to defy the Karens, the morality police, the Pharisees of our day.

Now we double down — the final hurdle will be to destroy the power of the term “antisemitic.”

My work at bloodandfaith.com shall only grow from here!

Fritz Berggren, PhD

7 November 2024 A.D.

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