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Christian Nationalism: The Antidote to Tyranny

Christian Nationalism: The Antidote to Tyranny

Europe sought a “third path,” a secular representative government.
We ended up in a Luciferian theocracy run by the devil’s children.
We were promised a world “to each his own” and brotherly peace.
We live in a world where the Ten Commandments are illegal.
Where prayer in Jesus Name is forbidden
Where the Luciferians incite our children to self-mutilation and call it freedom.
Where children are sacrificed and sold for profit and it is called liberation.
Where bankers enslave the entire populations and there is no debt relief.

Where obesity has exploded,
Wars never end,
Borders are abolished,
The rich few grow richer,
The poor grow poor,
Forced injections poison us,
And the White Man is demonized.

This is what a “secular democratic order” has given us — a Luciferian Theocracy that is called “democracy” and all who oppose it are “Hitlers” and “Nazis,” lose their jobs, incomes, homes and are entrapped by the police forces run by Jews.

Our Pastors denounce “Christian Nationalism” because they are allowed to exist in this Luciferian system. Why are they allowed to exist?
• Because objections are performative, like the Republicans opposing the Democrats — it is there for show and to keep the approval of their true masters.
• Because Pastors support a “multicultural and pluralistic” society in which Satan’s children flourish because Pastors are ashamed of exalting the Fifth Commandment.
• Most of all, churches are allowed to exist because they support the synagogue of Satan, the devil’s own children.
This Luciferian Theocracy uses Evangelical Christianity to deceived Americans into believing that they are still free. It is all a lie and the Church has been a part of this lie. God shall not come to save us.

Either we continue in this Luciferian Theocracy,
Or we build explicitly Christian Nations states with homogenous linguistic and ethnic groups with contiguous territories, whose Law is the Ten Commandments. The First Commandment points explicitly to our Monarch, King, Creator, and God Jesus Christ and we make no allowance for any other God of our land.

Nationalism is the natural antibody to global totalitarianism.
Christian Ethno-Nationalism is the dagger in the heart of this not-so-new World Order, this Babylon the Great.

There is no other way, there is no third path.
Choose Christian Nationalism or remain a slave in this Luciferian Empire.

We must fight for our King. When Pastors renounce Christian Nationalism we must renounce them; like Judas Iscariot, they have sided with the Enemy, are traitors, and damned.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
29 Augusts 2024

Second American Revolution

Second American Revolution

Happy Independence Day.
Time for another one.
Time to overthrow the Luciferian Theocracy that rules over us.
Who rules over this Luciferian Theocracy?
The devil’s children (John 8:44)
Satan’s synagogue (Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9)
They killed Jesus Christ because He was the One True Threat to their Luciferian Theocracy.
We return to our Monarch Jesus Christ and drive out Satan’s children.
Christ is King.
Christian Nations.
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
— Declaration of Independence, 1776
Jesus Christ, the Racist

Jesus Christ, the Racist

Nations are based on a common biological ancestor. (Genesis 10)
Jesus Christ (God) hates global tyranny and the concept of “no nations, no borders.” (Genesis 11:1-9)

Why do Jews hate Whites? Because Europe converted to Jesus Christ and became Christendom.

God could have given the Christians one heavenly language at Pentecost, but He did not.
Pentecost re-validated the division of races.  Why? To see which race would serve Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ came only for the biological descendants of Jacob (which are not today’s Jews).

Where did the Twelve Tribes of Israel go? To Europe.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
3 June 2024, A.D.

Rebel, the Build Christian Nations

Rebel, the Build Christian Nations

It is Christian duty to rebel against the current anti-christ Luciferian theocracies that rule over our nations.  And it is our duty to build explicitly Christian nation-states.   Identifying the current enemy and clearly stating the goal of societies based upon the Ten Commandments, the first of which is explicit allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Fritz Berggren, PHD
3 May 2024

Traitors, Trannies, and Jews

Traitors, Trannies, and Jews

Satan’s #1 power is deception, including over God’s people.
People, like Eve, are deceived because there is something in the deception they covet.
But, like Eve, they have no excuse for deception: Eve could have trusted what Adam told her and the Church today could trust what the Scriptures say.

Just because someone calls themselves a Jew does not mean they are the biological descendants of Jacob/Israel.  (Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9) How is it that the Church can recognize the lies of the trannies, but accepts the lies of anyone who calls themselves a Jew?

Origin of the hatred against Christendom (the White Race)
Seed of the Woman (the Church in Jesus Christ) and the Seed of the Serpent (the devil’s children, the Jews, John 8:44)

Political Violence

Political Violence

  • The political violence has already started.
  • Re-imaging our identity as Whites, the Sons of Christendom, and our duty to protect and advance Christendom.
  • The eternal enemy of Christendom.
  • Church forsakes the literal words of Jesus Christ.
  • The Christian life IS about our hour of trial, not escaping from it.

Genocide Against Christendom

Genocide Against Christendom

  • The source of hatred against the White race.
  • The physical reality of this war.

New Nations Arise During This Tumult . . .

New Nations Arise During This Tumult . . .

White and Christian nations.

We owe our ancestors, our descendants, and our God more that rank cowardice in the face of evil.

Who are you, fundamentally?
English speaking?

“We are all Americans” is a fat fiction used to shame people into compliance under our tyrants.

It is imperative to imagine a homogenous community with contiguous borders and genuine and deep bonds. Bonds of race, of language, of belief, of common enemies. We must know what we love and what we hate. We must be proudly intolerant, deeply so, of the enemies who have dwelt among us and taken down a once great and White and Christian nation.

We must never apologize for the White race.
We must never apologize for the Word of God (John 8:44, Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9 . . . .)

We are in the end game of the experiment called “America” which has turned into a godless polyglot of races, languages, beliefs, and lusts. We are an “empire” governed by a tyrant class.

Christian Nations.
Explicity and unapologetically.
A rejection of Babel, multi-cultural empires, and debt slavery.

This movement toward liberty and a nation under our Monarch Jesus Christ starts in the mind and comes out of the mouth.

Preachers and Pastors and Priests — where are you?
Silent in the face of the anti-christs?

The alternative is what we have now — our children are taught trannyism and homosexuality. Our rulers kidnap our children, take them to islands, and rape them.
Our “elected representatives” become fabulously rich and do nothing for us.
The rich and powerful rule over us.

It is within us to overthrown them — but we must return to our One Sovereign Jesus Christ and build not fictional political entities (“we are all Americans”) but organic nations (Genesis 10) based on blood and faith.

What is a Christian nation? It is an ethnically, historically and linguistically homogenous people, in contiguous lands, whose law and mores are based upon the Ten Commandments, the first of which points directly to Jesus Christ.

BONUS: Another World War has begun. This war will have extreme consequences for “Americans” here at home. This is a perfect storm.

The silver lining is it becomes an opportunity throw off the illegitimate taskmasters and tyrants and start something new — unadulterated by Satan’s children.

We cannot be cowards.
We cannot await another saviour.
Our Savior and King resides in our breasts.
He waits for us to roar like the lions He made us to be — Sons of God.

We cannot win the war for our survival if we keep refusing to identify the people who want to destroy the White and Christin race.

It’s the communists — the Jews.
It’s the Dems or Rinos — the Jews.
It’s the globalists — the Jews.
It’s the bankers — the Jews.
It’s the movies — the Jews.
It’s the media — the Jews.
It’s academia — the Jews.
It’s the Left — it’s the Jews.
It’s Judeo-Christians — the fraternity of Judas-Iscariot.

Christians, you must stop defending Satan’s seed, the devil’s own children.
John 8:44. Rev 2:9. Rev 3:9. 1 Thes 2:14-16. Gen 3:15. Matt 3:7 . . .