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Category: Philosophy, Language, Theology

How to think about thinking — presuppositions.

Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot

About Judas Iscariot and betrayal. J.I. is a key figure, not just in the story of the ”life of Jesus,” but of Christian theology and man’s relationship with God. Betrayal is common.



Who is this Jesus Christ? From Genesis to the Revelation he was there in the Garden of Eden, ordered the Great Flood of Noah, and is the Judge of the souls of all men.

Sunday Sermon: Who Is Jesus Christ?

Sunday Sermon: Who Is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was Jesus Christ whom Moses met on the Mountain, with whom He spoke face to face as a man speaks with a friend (Exodus 33:11). No man has seen the Father — it was Jesus Christ who spoke with the Patriarchs and Moses. Jesus Christ IS God.

To the extent that earthly governments do not recognize Jesus Christ as sovereign, to that extent they are illegitimate.  Jesus Christ IS God.

John 1
Hebrew 1
Colossians 1
John 14
Revelation 19

Scriptures Are the White Blood Cells of Society

Scriptures Are the White Blood Cells of Society

Scriptures are the White-Blood cells of a culture. When you reduce the white blood cell count, they body is more susceptible to infection and disease.
When you excise the Holy Scriptures from society, the society has no defense against lies.

The U.S in 2023 is so bereft of the Holy Scriptures that we live among lies every day from the covid scam to JFK, to stolen elections to trannies, homos and false Jews.

There is only one institution in the U.S. that can re-normalize the Holy Scriptures and that is the Church, yet the Church does not want the Scriptures.

When was the last sermon you hear on any of the following:
1) The global flood of Noah (Genesis 7)
2) There was light, day and night BEFORE the sun was created (Genesis 1:1-19)
3) The existence of Satan’s children (Genesis 3:14-15, John 8:44).
4) Satan’s very own synagogue (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9)
5) The Tower of Babel and God’s destruction of that project by forcing people apart by changing their languages. (Genesis 11:1-9)
6) The primary purpose of mankind is to reproduce and multiply and thus the impossibility of accepting homosexuality. (Genesis 1:28)
7) That Jesus Christ is God the Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Moses. It was Jesus Christ (pre-incarnation) that the Patriarchs knew. (John 14:6-11, John 6:46, John 1:18, Exodus 3:6, Exodus 33:11, Genesis 32:28-30, Genesis 18:1)
8) The impossibility of Evolution (Genesis 1 and Genesis 6). Creatures ONLY reproduce after their own kind — they do not change kinds.  And mixing kinds is evil.

Pastors and Christians who resist this are listening to the Serpent to told Eve: “Indeed has God really said . . . ?”  (Genesis 3:1). Satan has no need to change the tactics that already work. They worked on Eve, why not on Christians today?

Bonus: “A woman shall not wear a man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 22:5

Part 2: Of Why God Loves Mankind, Swearing Allegiance to Him

Part 2: Of Why God Loves Mankind, Swearing Allegiance to Him

  • This is the second part of “Why God Loves Mankind.”
  • The glory and honor of trials.
  • He called us and chose us.  Now, will we swear eternal loyalty to Jesus Christ even if He gives you nothing but trials and unfairness and doubts?
  • It is our honor to follow Him when things do not look so great.
Why Does God Love Mankind?

Why Does God Love Mankind?

  • Why does God love men?
  • Angels are not like men; they cannot live by faith or be obedient even unto death.
  • Job: “Thou He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
  • Moses: Willing to give his eternal soul for His people. Ditto Paul.
  • Abram: Willing to sacrifice his own son of the promise — obedience.
The Deceiver of Nations

The Deceiver of Nations

Satan is the Deceiver of Nations.  What kind of deception to you think he’s into? Little deceptions? No.  He’s big-time. Read the following with this in mind:

Satan is the deceiver of nations and civilizations.  Re-read the above with this in mind. Watch the Truman Show (movie). Satan barely even tries to hide it because men are so easily deceived.

Fritz Berggren, PhD
March 22, 2023



“The serpent deceived me, and I ate.

Devil deceives.